Maillol / aiohttp-pydantic

Aiohttp View that validates request body and query sting regarding the annotations declared in the View method
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Set 'title' for model field #19

Closed eduard-sukharev closed 3 years ago

eduard-sukharev commented 3 years ago

I have a model:

from aiohttp_pydantic import PydanticView, oas
from pydantic import BaseModel

class Task(BaseModel):
    id: str
    type: str
    on_success: Optional[str] # ID for task to run on success
    on_error: Optional[str] # ID for task to run on failure

class TaskView(PydanticView):
    async def post(self, task: Task):
        // some task logic

And in a Swagger UI (OAS) I get following model description:

id*: string
    title: Id
type*: string
    title: Type
on_success: string
    title: On Success
on_error: string
    title: On Error

What I want is to somehow define the title in pydantic model so that it's not plainly repeat the field itself. How do I do that?

Maillol commented 3 years ago
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class Task(BaseModel):
    id: str = Field(title="my title")
    type: str
    on_success: Optional[str] # ID for task to run on success
    on_error: Optional[str] # ID for task to run on failure

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