MainSilent / Discord-Screenshare

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Error: You should be in a voice channel #33

Closed rajmaskey closed 2 years ago

rajmaskey commented 2 years ago

I tried everything, everything I could. Changed the node modules, and modified the file, Used discord.js-self bot library still the same. After everything bot started but image

Please fix this!

MainSilent commented 2 years ago

This is a caching issue, When bot started you need to leave and join the voice channel so it cache that in memory.

rajmaskey commented 2 years ago

This is a caching issue, When bot started you need to leave and join the voice channel so it cache that in memory.


It looks like my chrome driver isn't working as it should need to, Do you know what is this and how do I fix it?

MainSilent commented 2 years ago

Is it accessible via PATH env?

rajmaskey commented 2 years ago

Is it accessible via PATH env?


MainSilent commented 2 years ago

It should be

rajmaskey commented 2 years ago

What exactly do you mean? Could you please explain more?

MainSilent commented 2 years ago

The chromedriver binary should be in /bin directory, You should be able to run the binary in any directory.

rajmaskey commented 2 years ago

The chromedriver binary should be in /bin directory, You should be able to run the binary in any directory.

I'm doing a clean install again on ubuntu let's see. I will reply soon

rajmaskey commented 2 years ago

The chromedriver binary should be in /bin directory, You should be able to run the binary in any directory.

image image

rajmaskey commented 2 years ago

As you can see webdriver started but not working

MainSilent commented 2 years ago

Duplicate #3