MajicDesigns / MD_MIDIFile

Standard MIDI Files (SMF) Processing Library
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
108 stars 38 forks source link

ESP8266 LittleFS #27

Open rudiars opened 10 months ago

rudiars commented 10 months ago


Before submitting this issue [ true ] Have you tried using the latest version of the library? [ true ] Have you checked this has not already been submitted and/or resolved? [ true ] If you are requesting help a better choice may be the Arduino forum

Subject of the issue

how to use this library with ESP8266 LittleFS

Your Environment

Library Version: Arduino IDE version:1.8.17 Hardware model/type:ESP8266 dev kit OS and Version:Windows 10**

Steps to Reproduce

I want to use thus library with my ESP8266 LittleFS

Expected Behaviour

It's not work yet

Actual Behaviour

a lot of error messages

Code Demonstrating the Issue

// Test playing a succession of MIDI files from the SD card.
// Example program to demonstrate the use of the MIDFile library
// Just for fun light up a LED in time to the music.
// Hardware required:
//  SD card interface - change SD_SELECT for SPI comms
//  3 LEDs (optional) - to display current status and beat. 
//  Change pin definitions for specific hardware setup - defined below.
#include <FS.h>
#include <LittleFS.h>
#include <MD_MIDIFile.h>

#define USE_MIDI  1   // set to 1 to enable MIDI output, otherwise debug output

#if USE_MIDI // set up for direct MIDI serial output

#define DEBUG(s, x)
#define DEBUGX(s, x)
#define DEBUGS(s)
#define SERIAL_RATE 31250

#else // don't use MIDI to allow printing debug statements

#define DEBUG(s, x)  do { Serial.print(F(s)); Serial.print(x); } while(false)
#define DEBUGX(s, x) do { Serial.print(F(s)); Serial.print(F("0x")); Serial.print(x, HEX); } while(false)
#define DEBUGS(s)    do { Serial.print(F(s)); } while (false)
#define SERIAL_RATE 57600

#endif // USE_MIDI

// SD chip select pin for SPI comms.
// Default SD chip select is the SPI SS pin (10 on Uno, 53 on Mega).
//const uint8_t SD_SELECT = SS;

// LED definitions for status and user indicators
const uint8_t READY_LED = 13;      // when finished
const uint8_t SMF_ERROR_LED = 12;  // SMF error
const uint8_t SD_ERROR_LED = 14;   // SD error
const uint8_t BEAT_LED = 4;       // toggles to the 'beat'

const uint16_t WAIT_DELAY = 2000; // ms

#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof((a)[0]))

// The files in the tune list should be located on the SD card 
// or an error will occur opening the file and the next in the 
// list will be opened (skips errors).
const char *tuneList[] = 
  "LOOPDEMO.MID",  // simplest and shortest file

// These don't play as they need more than 16 tracks but will run if MIDIFile.h is changed
//#define MIDI_FILE  "SYMPH9.MID"     // 29 tracks
//#define MIDI_FILE  "CHATCHOO.MID"   // 17 tracks
//#define MIDI_FILE  "STRIPPER.MID"   // 25 tracks


void midiCallback(midi_event *pev)
// Called by the MIDIFile library when a file event needs to be processed
// thru the midi communications interface.
// This callback is set up in the setup() function.
  if ((pev->data[0] >= 0x80) && (pev->data[0] <= 0xe0))
    Serial.write(pev->data[0] | pev->channel);
    Serial.write(&pev->data[1], pev->size-1);
    Serial.write(pev->data, pev->size);
  DEBUG("\n", millis());
  DEBUG("\tM T", pev->track);
  DEBUG(":  Ch ", pev->channel+1);
  DEBUGS(" Data");
  for (uint8_t i=0; i<pev->size; i++)
    DEBUGX(" ", pev->data[i]);

void sysexCallback(sysex_event *pev)
// Called by the MIDIFile library when a system Exclusive (sysex) file event needs 
// to be processed through the midi communications interface. Most sysex events cannot 
// really be processed, so we just ignore it here.
// This callback is set up in the setup() function.
  DEBUG("\nS T", pev->track);
  DEBUGS(": Data");
  for (uint8_t i=0; i<pev->size; i++)
    DEBUGX(" ", pev->data[i]);

void midiSilence(void)
// Turn everything off on every channel.
// Some midi files are badly behaved and leave notes hanging, so between songs turn
// off all the notes and sound
  midi_event ev;

  // All sound off
  // When All Sound Off is received all oscillators will turn off, and their volume
  // envelopes are set to zero as soon as possible.
  ev.size = 0;[ev.size++] = 0xb0;[ev.size++] = 120;[ev.size++] = 0;

  for ( = 0; < 16;

void setup(void)
  // Set up LED pins
  pinMode(BEAT_LED, OUTPUT);

  // reset LEDs
  digitalWrite(READY_LED, LOW);
  digitalWrite(SD_ERROR_LED, LOW);
  digitalWrite(SMF_ERROR_LED, LOW);
  digitalWrite(BEAT_LED, LOW);


  DEBUGS("\n[MidiFile Play List]");

  // Initialize SD
  if (!LittleFS.begin())
    DEBUGS("\nSD init fail!");
    digitalWrite(SD_ERROR_LED, HIGH);
    while (true) ;

  // Initialize MIDIFile

  digitalWrite(READY_LED, HIGH);

void tickMetronome(void)
// flash a LED to the beat
  static uint32_t lastBeatTime = 0;
  static boolean  inBeat = false;
  uint16_t  beatTime;

  beatTime = 60000/SMF.getTempo();    // msec/beat = ((60sec/min)*(1000 ms/sec))/(beats/min)
  if (!inBeat)
    if ((millis() - lastBeatTime) >= beatTime)
      lastBeatTime = millis();
      digitalWrite(BEAT_LED, HIGH);
      inBeat = true;
    if ((millis() - lastBeatTime) >= 100)   // keep the flash on for 100ms only
      digitalWrite(BEAT_LED, LOW);
      inBeat = false;

void loop(void)
  static enum { S_IDLE, S_PLAYING, S_END, S_WAIT_BETWEEN } state = S_IDLE;
  static uint16_t currTune = ARRAY_SIZE(tuneList);
  static uint32_t timeStart;

  switch (state)
  case S_IDLE:    // now idle, set up the next tune
      int err;


      digitalWrite(READY_LED, LOW);
      digitalWrite(SMF_ERROR_LED, LOW);

      if (currTune >= ARRAY_SIZE(tuneList))
        currTune = 0;

      // use the next file name and play it
      DEBUG("\nFile: ", tuneList[currTune]);
      err = SMF.load(tuneList[currTune]);
      if (err != MD_MIDIFile::E_OK)
        DEBUG(" - SMF load Error ", err);
        digitalWrite(SMF_ERROR_LED, HIGH);
        timeStart = millis();
        state = S_WAIT_BETWEEN;
        state = S_PLAYING;

  case S_PLAYING: // play the file
    if (!SMF.isEOF())
      if (SMF.getNextEvent())
      state = S_END;

  case S_END:   // done with this one
    timeStart = millis();
    state = S_WAIT_BETWEEN;

  case S_WAIT_BETWEEN:    // signal finished with a dignified pause
    digitalWrite(READY_LED, HIGH);
    if (millis() - timeStart >= WAIT_DELAY)
      state = S_IDLE;

    state = S_IDLE;
MajicDesigns commented 10 months ago

You cannot just substitute the header file and expect it to work. The library needs to be modified as well to use LittleFS instead of the SD library. Have you done that?

rudiars commented 10 months ago

Not yet sir, please help... :'(

MajicDesigns commented 10 months ago

Won't be able to do this for some time as I am busy with other things.

This is a repeat of issue #24, so potentially the OP for that issue may have already done what you are looking for.

There are only a few things that needs to be changed and they would be quite similar between the two different file systems, so if you are familiar with general file operations it should be a straightforward exercise.

Zacdoesmath commented 6 months ago

Not quite what you are looking for, but I got the MD_MIDIFile library to work with SPIFFS on a Nano ESP32. Maybe you can woth with SPIFFS instead or make some additional changes to get it to work with LittleFS.

Apologies for anything that needs an apology. This is my firest foray into github and modifying or forking libraries and then sharing that again with others... There are a few basic examples that work for me. Would love more feedback.