MajidBenam / seshat

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Missing Capitals #11

Open edwardchalstrey1 opened 3 months ago

edwardchalstrey1 commented 3 months ago

Hi @MajidBenam I'm looking at visualising capital cities on the world map I've developed using lat/lon coordinates, which I get from the model/table, linking via the general.polity_capital which is associated with a page and has the capital, but not coordinates. When I match the capital field of that table to the name field of I get some matches, but I noticed that many are missing. In other words there's quite a few Seshat polity pages where a capital is recorded, but we don't have coordinates.

Do you think this is something likely to change in the near future? I'm not sure there is a mechanism for Seshat users to add the coordinates via the update page? If not, I may just suppress this feature of the world map for now.

MajidBenam commented 3 months ago

Hi @edwardchalstrey1 Your insight has drawn my attention to the management of capitals, prompting me to initiate some adjustments to our data schema regarding polities/capitals. Under the new framework, we will introduce core_capital instances, devoid of any attached polities but retaining all other attributes. Instead, a new foreign key will be added to the general_polity_capital class, directing to instances of the Capital model. This adjustment is expected to mitigate modeling issues and enhance the accessibility and editability of capitals.

However, addressing the issue where some polities have string representations of capitals but lack actual longitude and latitude data will require a comprehensive solution. I will ensure that existing coded string capitals (general_polity_capitals) are augmented to point to existing core_capital instances. Additionally, I will streamline the process of editing capitals, making it more straightforward for Research Assistants (RAs).

It's important to note that adding new information on new capitals or existing string capitals will continue to be a task primarily undertaken by RAs, and such processes typically progress at a slower pace.

edwardchalstrey1 commented 3 months ago

Great, thanks Majid! Ok sounds good, I'll incorporate your updates but I'll work on the assumption that it could be a while on the coordinates being available