MajidBenam / seshat

This is the beginning of the Seshat Project code.
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Add world map to Seshat #9

Closed edwardchalstrey1 closed 4 months ago

edwardchalstrey1 commented 5 months ago

Hi @MajidBenam - this PR includes:

As we have discussed, you can set up a dev server to test this before we roll this out to the live site. You'll need to consider the following to test these changes:

  1. If you don't have a dev server with the up to date Qing database already, you can follow/adapt my instructions in docs/ for setting up on an Ubuntu VM. This may be similar to your own documentation, but also includes for example installing the PostGIS extension, and steps on how to populate the spatial data tables (after running migrations as usual). Let me know if anything there is unclear.
  2. The changes I have made in the settings (and to can be changed to suit a configuration that matches your production server. I've mostly edited, for my setup at Turing (e.g. here I overwrite DATABASES and other settings), so you may want to update It might be you can keep everything as you have it now except changing the ENGINE to 'django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis'.
    • Important: I haven't tested whether all other interactions work as expected with this new db engine, clicking through pages it all seems fine, but you'll know better if this is true!

I think that should be all, let me know if you need some help with this. After we merge this and you are satisfied it works on a development environment (with any modifications you make to settings etc), I expect you can merge dev into Qing and perform the same steps on the live site. After that it should be more straightforward to merge subsequent changes I make. We can use the following workflow:

  1. I test changes and when I'm satisfied, make a PR to your dev branch
  2. You merge and test on your dev server, making any changes required for production
  3. You merge dev into Qing (or whichever branch you use for the live site) and hopefully just to a git pull on the prod server