Majiir / Kethane

Resource mining and processing plugin for Kerbal Space Program.
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Kethane Scanners Break My VAB #243

Closed Willzack closed 10 years ago

Willzack commented 10 years ago

I'm kind of a noob when it comes to modding KSP, but i've managed to get all my other mods to work. Kethane however doesn't want to cooperate in my VAB. Every time I try to attach one of the scanners, the part doesn't stay on and breaks the attachment node. Afterwards I can't do anything else in the VAB except for create a new craft. I can't even leave the VAB without selecting a new craft first. I've been looking at the forums for solutions but so far nothings worked. I've made sure I installed Kethane correctly, Did a clean boot of my windows before running KSP, (I'm running windows 8 btw), And checked to see if my Kethane save file needed deleting but I don't have one yet. I assume I get one after I start scanning, but if that's not the case let me know. I basically have no idea whats going on. Hopefully some of you can give me some insight on what to do. Thanks ahead of time.

Majiir commented 10 years ago

Please upload your output logs. Also make sure you're running the latest versions of both KSP and Kethane.

Willzack commented 10 years ago

Okay, I don't know how to upload my output logs. I don't even know what those are...

Willzack commented 10 years ago

Okay, so I found my output logs and how to use them. I re-created the problem in KSP before downloading them so it should be in the log somewhere.

Here's the link:

Willzack commented 10 years ago

Uh Hello? Is there anyone out there who can help me???

Majiir commented 10 years ago

It looks like you're using an old version of either Kethane or KSP. Like I said before, you need to make sure you're running the latest of both. Please read the bug reporting guidelines on the Kethane wiki carefully and completely.

Willzack commented 10 years ago

Hey FUCK YOU Pal! I'm using the latest of both versions!! I'm not wasting your time, your shits fucking BROKEN! I've seen you give this same bullshit lazy answer time and time again on these forums! MAYBE IF YOU FIXED YOUR SHIT PEOPLE WOULDN'T HAVE SO MAY ISSUES!!

Fuck your Bullshit Forums, Fuck your Mod, and FUCK YOU!!! .......................... .. ... /´ /) .......................... ..,../¯ ../ .......................... ..../... ./ ........................ ..,/¯ ../ ......................... ./... ./ .............../´¯/' ...'/´¯`•¸ ............./'/.../... ./... ..../¨¯\ ............('(...´(... ........,~/'...') ........................ ........\/..../ ................\''.............. _.•´ ................................ ................................

Majiir commented 10 years ago

Looks like you have a nasty case of entitlement. I'll prescribe you some cyanide.

You're getting a MissingFieldException on FlightGlobals, which is a telltale sign of a mismatch between the game's core assemblies and what the plugin was built with. If you are running the latest versions, there may have been some error in patching your KSP version. This kind of error can't appear on Kethane's end without affecting every player, hence isolated cases point to an auxiliary issue.

But yes, you're wasting my time, so I'm squelching notifications from this issue. Enjoy your rage, or whatever it is you feel justifies your existence.

zapakh commented 10 years ago

For the benefit of those who find this thread by Googling "Kethane broken VAB" or similar:

I found this thread after experiencing the same symptoms (Windows 7). In agreement with Majiir's log reading, my KSP_Data/output_log.txt contained many instances of

MissingFieldException: Field '.FlightGlobals.fetch' not found


MissingMethodException: Method not found:  'EditorLogic.Lock'

after an incident of VAB breakage. Here are the steps I took to resolve the problem in my particular case:

Kudos to Majiir and his calm response for putting me on the right track; indeed it appears to be some kind of version mismatch, though not a mismatch between Kethane and KSP. My particular version of Extraplanetary Launchpads was from June of 2013. It is entirely possible that other mods designed for earlier versions of KSP will present the same deceptive symptom.

Finally, I note that it was not sufficient to delete the offending mod from my GameData directory. No doubt there is some finer operation that could undo the damage, but a clean reinstall of KSP was an approach that worked for me.