Majiir / Kethane

Resource mining and processing plugin for Kerbal Space Program.
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V0.9.2 in KSP 0.25 reporting as not compatible with Unity by game #275

Open GNious opened 9 years ago

GNious commented 9 years ago

When starting KSP 0.25 with Kethane 0.9.2, the game reports the mod as not compatible with Unity 4.5.3p2.

KSP: 0.25 OSX: 10.9.5

Majiir commented 9 years ago

The OSX build of KSP uses a different Unity version than Windows and Linux. While it may work fine, Kethane was built and tested on the Windows build of KSP, which uses Unity 4.5.2f1. If you'd like this resolved for the future, please petition to Squad for uniform Unity versioning across all platforms.

GNious commented 9 years ago

Hi Majir, I contacted Squad to get more details, per you comment to "petition to Squad for uniform Unity versioning across all platforms." The feedback is that this is not possible, with them not finding a single version of Unity that was stable and sane on both Windows and OSX. The version used in 0.25 on Windows has issues with mouse-input on OSX The version used in 0.25 on OSX caused bugs on Windows.

In reaction to this, I'm contemplating 2 things: 1) Looking at creating a piece ("blogpost") on this topic, digging into what you 3rd-party modders work with and suffer through - would need some kind of input in this matter :) 2) Me compiling a copy of the latest version of Kethane on OSX, linking to the appropriate version of Unity - Have tried, but it still reports the same issue on GeodesicGrid.dll :(

If you're up to discussing either topic, let me know, and feel free to contact me directly.

Majiir commented 9 years ago

The issue is that I can neither test nor build on OSX. Building alone doesn't do any good because I have no idea what might have broken (hence the warning).

I'm happy to discuss solutions here, but I'm not sure what can be done unless someone steps up as an OSX dev and can demonstrate their competency.

GNious commented 9 years ago


Yeah, chewed into logs, so far only found that class CompatibilityChecker (/Utilities/CompatibilityChecker.cs) is checking version against a fixed version: public static bool IsUnityCompatible() { /-----------------------------------------------\ | BEGIN IMPLEMENTATION-SPECIFIC EDITS HERE. | -----------------------------------------------/

        return Application.unityVersion == "4.5.3p2";


(I've taken the liberty of changing the unityVersion on my copy, and looking at the rest of that class)

Compiled, it loads (duh) and will do some testing while playing - as I'm at this point not looking to redistribute the resulting binaries, I wont spend too much time figuring out what automated test-suites you have. May look into that later. Was hoping to do a article about base-building using Kethane, TAC Life, ELP and few other mods - at this point I'm able to move forward.

Since I do not know your definition of competency, but I do know that I've very little experience with .net and C#, I'll refrain from stepping up.

Can appreciate that differences in versions can cause issues - I've tried to get Karbonite to work, but that thing simply kills KSP on OSX it seems. Also bit sad that no common-ground was found between these 2 mods, as they both seem to do some right things.

cherrydev commented 9 years ago

I'm a Mac user with extensive .NET and C# experience (I'm a professional software developer) but have very little KSP-specific development experience so far. Has anybody found any actual problems with Kethane on the Mac other than the warning about the version mismatch? I'm intending to use the mod for now and if I find any problems that seem specific to Kethane I'll definitely check in about it. If anybody finds any specific, reproducible issues, I'd be happy to try to look into them.