Majrusz / MajruszLibrary

Library with common code for my Minecraft modifications.
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Incompatibility With Tide Mod #42

Closed Eletoast closed 8 months ago

Eletoast commented 8 months ago

Using the Tide mod and Majrusz Library/Enchants, it causes fishing to completely break. I've looked into it and it seems like Tide won't be receiving an update for a while, so that's why I'm reporting it here.

How to replicate: Get a fishing rod and try to catch a fish. You'll be unable to reel in and the bobber will just disappear. You'll only be able to reel in crates, but the reeling issue still persists.

Majrusz commented 8 months ago

Hello, thanks for the report. As it turned out it was not compatibility issue with this mod but I managed to fix it with c32201bbdd08a3a8237b4e9e774500ba5c6a597b and soon new version will be available