Majrusz / MajruszLibrary

Library with common code for my Minecraft modifications.
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[1.19.2-2.15.1] Crash "Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads" #6

Closed Thombias closed 1 year ago

Thombias commented 1 year ago

Hi there! So i'm currently building a modpack for 1.19.2 and while flying through some test worlds in creative i always get this crash after a few minutes:


I'm not good at telling which mod is causing a crash but since majrusz-library appeared first and most often in the crash log, i assume it's gonna be that mod? I don't know if this crash happens due to some incompatibility, but if that's the case, can there be something done about that? If not could you lend me a hand and tell me what mod is incompatible with yours so i can remove that one? I don't want to remove your mods because they're essential to the experience i want to create with that WIP modpack.

Thombias commented 1 year ago

So i don't know if the recent 2.16.0 version of the mod fixed this but i have been able to fly through a world for 30 minutes now and haven't encountered this sort of crash a single time. I haven't playtested the 1.19.2 modpack for a while and some other mods i have included got updated as well, so it might be possible that Majrusz Library actually wasn't the culprit here. Closing this issue now because it seems to have solved itself somehow. Odd!

Majrusz commented 1 year ago

Hello, it has been fixed in 2.17.0, and that is odd you cannot reproduce that in 2.16.0. Anyway next update should not have such crash anymore (at least I hope so :D)

Thombias commented 1 year ago

It might have been possible the issue was still present but i swear i was playtesting for much longer than it would usually take for the crash to occur. Anyway thanks for your work! :)

I'll give it another shot sometime later and see if i crash within 1 hour or so of playtesting.