Majrusz / MajruszLibrary

Library with common code for my Minecraft modifications.
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Library error #69

Closed Paxx3 closed 5 months ago

Paxx3 commented 5 months ago

İ have created a modpack and added every majrusz mods. Progressive difficulty and library WAS working.

But after i added some mods and both accesories, enchantments mod, it failed.

here is the log:


and here is the mod loaders

ZacGames commented 5 months ago

Just took a look at this. I may not be the mod creator, but I know my way around Fabric crash logs.

Looking just at the crash section (god Java, why do you have such messy logs...) I see the following: Redirect conflict. Skipping majruszlibrary-fabric.mixins.json:MixinEnderMan from mod majruszlibrary shortly followed by already redirected by chrysalis.mixins.json:entities.hostile.EndermanMixin from mod chrysalis then the crash happens due to majruszlibrary failing an injection. majruszlibrary-fabric.mixins.json:MixinEnderMan from mod majruszlibrary failed injection check, (0/1) succeeded. Scanned 1 target(s). Using refmap majruszlibrary.refmap.json

My best guess is there's some incompatability between Chrysalis and Majrusz's Library.

Majrusz commented 5 months ago

Hello, thanks for the report and for the investigation! I can confirm what @ZacGames said, it is a compatibility crash with Chrysalis but I was able to change my library a little to avoid it 1ea1aeab9bd63c6afa1574e3eef6e55182310422. This fix will be included in future 7.0.4 release