Makar8000 / ACT-Discord-Triggers

An ACT plugin for routing audio to discord
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Discord Problem #12

Closed Lokidoki8017 closed 6 years ago

Lokidoki8017 commented 6 years ago

I have a problem when ACT is active it does the call outs not connected to discord, soon as i boot up discord and get the ACTbot to join the channel. it all goes quite, and i don't get any call outs. I disconnect from discord and the call outs start again.

seth-rah commented 6 years ago

Double check that no files are possibly missing and that you running the latest build of the software. Ensure that you followed the install guide to the letter.

Check that all prerequisites are installed as well

Lokidoki8017 commented 6 years ago

I have followed the guide did a whole uninstall and reinstall and new bot, everything works fine till I join discord and lose all callouts I need to download pervious file or just the latest?

seth-rah commented 6 years ago

What operating system are you running while using ACT?

Lokidoki8017 commented 6 years ago

Windows 10

Lokidoki8017 commented 6 years ago

I hear the bot join the channel, go to play one of the custom triggers and no sound.

seth-rah commented 6 years ago

Hmm, I don't really have much input I can provide then (Not dev)

Only other comment I can make is checking that is installed correctly and that the bot is not muted on the server, has talk rights, and that the server does not force the bot to use Push to Talk

Cannot really check intended reaction from the bot as mine is currently not finding channels since the categories update for discord.

Lokidoki8017 commented 6 years ago

How can you tell that server doesn’t force it to push to talk.

seth-rah commented 6 years ago

Make sure the following right is disabled for the bot


Also make sure that the bot has the ability to talk in voice channels under its rights, the easiest way to do this is just making the bot an administrator. That usually means that there won't be any restrictions on the user.

Lokidoki8017 commented 6 years ago

Yeah the bot is already admin, it weird that soon as it joins any channel all speech stops

seth-rah commented 6 years ago

Out of curiosity, does the bot light up green when a callout should happen?

Lokidoki8017 commented 6 years ago

No just stays the same.

seth-rah commented 6 years ago

Confirmed, the issue is on my side as well now.

Callouts running through ACT and not through the bot anymore.

dezwaan commented 6 years ago

I'm not having issues. Did you update ffxiv, ACT, or this program?

seth-rah commented 6 years ago

Updated to 0.9.6

Discord had an update that added categories to channels, and I have been having issues since really.

Only just got the bot to join channels, and that was on a server without categories, but experienced the same problem unfortunately.

If there were a version of the bot that did better logging, I could faultfind, but unfortunately I cannot right now.

dezwaan commented 6 years ago

I have had 0.96, I'm assuming there is a permission issue with new discord. Our group doesn't have categories. I can test it out later tonight and add categories to see what happens.

Lokidoki8017 commented 6 years ago

any update?

Makar8000 commented 6 years ago

The recent discord update (with the categories) has been causing some issues, even after updating the Discord.NET API I use. I haven't really had time recently to make any updates. My personal bot (not for ACT) is also having issues after the discord update, and it uses a different language/api. Once I find the time I'm willing to put into this, I may try to debug this to figure out what is going on.

seth-rah commented 6 years ago

Just want to note that mine started working last night, just double check all of your bots. It might be that the latest discord update fixed issues.

Lokidoki8017 commented 6 years ago

I'm still getting the same problem

dezwaan commented 6 years ago

Does everyone's voice stop or is it just the bot's sound that isn't working?

Lokidoki8017 commented 6 years ago

Just the bots

grimza8812 commented 6 years ago

discord net core version culture=neutral publickeytoken can load "this assembly does not have a class that implements ACT's pulgin interface" not sure what is problem..

brandoncarroll commented 6 years ago

I'm also having this problem. I've followed every step in the set up guide explicitly, checked and rechecked. Callouts are working in ACT, bot can join the channel, but it does not speak.

Makar8000 commented 6 years ago

Releasing a major update soon that should fix this.

DylanCDuke commented 4 years ago

@Makar8000 - still having this issue. Bot was working fine, updated cactbot (might of updated discord, I don't remember), had the bot join and she didn't speak. I forgot the update reverted the tts setting in cactbot, so I updated the js and restarted, and she still didn't speak.

She has all rights to the channel, worked before the updates, and I see in the log it's trying to play tts. As well, ACT is tts if she's not joined into a channel.

DylanCDuke commented 4 years ago

FFXIV and FFXIV plugin dll were all updated as well (5.1)