Makar8000 / ACT-Discord-Triggers

An ACT plugin for routing audio to discord
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Could not load file or assembly #18

Closed Xammed closed 6 years ago

Xammed commented 6 years ago

When I try to enable the plugin in ACT I get a Load Error with "Could not load file or assembly 'Discord,Net.Core, Version = 1,0,2.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

Am I missing something?

Yokimitsuro commented 6 years ago

you have to extract all on ACT folder....

junhojin123 commented 6 years ago

I have it all in ACT folder but doesnt work due to same issue.

megaoka commented 6 years ago

ACT cannot read one of the DLL files. This is most likely caused by one of these 3 common issues.

  1. The file does not exist or is missing
  2. The files were not unblocked (I suggest unblocking the ZIP file instead of unblocking each file individually)
  3. ACT was not run as Administrator

Reinstall the plugin, and follow the instructions. It should resolve this issue.

kaorumiss commented 6 years ago

I guess dont work this plugin in ACT(x64). COM object does not work in x64. You should set your project build configuration to target the x86.

junhojin123 commented 6 years ago

@megaoka those are all followed properly to begin with, but it did not resolve the issue

megaoka commented 6 years ago

@junhojin123 Looks like you extracted the folder into the root. The folder contents have to be put into the root directory. i.e. - "Discord.Net.Commands.dll" should be in the "Advanced Combat Tracker" folder, not its own folder.

megaoka commented 6 years ago

@kaorumiss I have the plugin working for the x64 bit version. Are you encountering problems using it in 64-bit?

Makar8000 commented 6 years ago

Releasing a major update soon that should fix this.