MakeAWishFoundation / SwiftyMocky

Framework for automatic mock generation. Adds a set of handy methods, simplifying testing. One of the best and most complete solutions, including generics support and much more.
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_InternalSwiftSyntaxParser is missing again #346

Open Konskii opened 1 year ago

Konskii commented 1 year ago

Tried to re-generate mocks and get the following output from CLI(below is full output). Xcode 14.3, MacOS 13.3.1a

Decided to use last available sorcery (2.0.2) installed via home-brew and than it works! Seems that SwiftyMocky need update in required version of sorcery version(current 1.8.0).

❌  Error: ShellOut encountered an error
Status code: 1
Message: "warning: 'github.com_krzysztofzablocki_sourcery': Invalid Exclude '/private/var/folders/7f/w7hl1f994014fkr2frhszk8m0000gn/T/mint/github.com_krzysztofzablocki_Sourcery/Templates/default.profraw': File not found.
🌱 Encountered error during "swift build -c release --product sourcery -Xswiftc -target -Xswiftc arm64-apple-macosx13.3". Use --verbose to see full output
🌱  Failed to build Sourcery 1.6.0 with SPM"
Output: "🌱 Cloning Sourcery 1.6.0
🌱 Resolving package
🌱 Building product sourcery
Building for production...
[0/10] Copying ejs.js
[1/10] Compiling writer.c
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[2/10] Compiling atomic-counter.c
[3/10] Compiling reader.c
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[4/13] Compiling api.c
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[5/13] Compiling emitter.c
[6/13] Compiling parser.c
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[7/15] Compiling scanner.c
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[8/15] Compiling TryCatch TryCatch.m
[10/16] Compiling PathKit PathKit.swift
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[11/16] Compiling AEXML Document.swift
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[12/20] Compiling SourceryJS EJSTemplate.swift
[13/20] Compiling SourceryUtils Path+Extensions.swift
[14/20] Compiling Stencil Context.swift
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[15/21] Compiling Yams Constructor.swift
[16/21] Compiling Commander ArgumentConvertible.swift
[17/21] Compiling StencilSwiftKit CallMacroNodes.swift
[18/21] Compiling SourceryRuntime AccessLevel.swift
/private/var/folders/7f/w7hl1f994014fkr2frhszk8m0000gn/T/mint/github.com_krzysztofzablocki_Sourcery/SourceryRuntime/Sources/Composer.swift:340:13: warning: initialization of immutable value 'modules' was never used; consider replacing with assignment to '_' or removing it
        let modules = state.modules
/private/var/folders/7f/w7hl1f994014fkr2frhszk8m0000gn/T/mint/github.com_krzysztofzablocki_Sourcery/SourceryRuntime/Sources/Composer.swift:341:13: warning: initialization of immutable value 'typealiases' was never used; consider replacing with assignment to '_' or removing it
        let typealiases = state.resolvedTypealiases
/private/var/folders/7f/w7hl1f994014fkr2frhszk8m0000gn/T/mint/github.com_krzysztofzablocki_Sourcery/SourceryRuntime/Sources/TemplateContext.swift:64:22: warning: heterogeneous collection literal could only be inferred to '[String : Any]'; add explicit type annotation if this is intentional
            "types": [
/private/var/folders/7f/w7hl1f994014fkr2frhszk8m0000gn/T/mint/github.com_krzysztofzablocki_Sourcery/SourceryRuntime/Sources/TemplateContext.swift:86:34: warning: 'unarchiveObject(withFile:)' was deprecated in macOS 10.14: Use +unarchivedObjectOfClass:fromData:error: instead
        return NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObject(withFile: arguments[1]) as? TemplateContext
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
remark: Incremental compilation has been disabled: it is not compatible with whole module optimization
[19/23] Compiling SourcerySwift SourceryRuntime.content.generated.swift
/private/var/folders/7f/w7hl1f994014fkr2frhszk8m0000gn/T/mint/github.com_krzysztofzablocki_Sourcery/SourcerySwift/Sources/SwiftTemplate.swift:196:36: warning: 'archivedData(withRootObject:)' was deprecated in macOS 10.14: Use +archivedDataWithRootObject:requiringSecureCoding:error: instead
        let data = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedData(withRootObject: context)
[20/23] Compiling SwiftSyntax AbsolutePosition.swift
/private/var/folders/7f/w7hl1f994014fkr2frhszk8m0000gn/T/mint/github.com_krzysztofzablocki_Sourcery/.build/checkouts/swift-syntax/Sources/SwiftSyntax/SyntaxParser.swift:17:29: error: no such module '_InternalSwiftSyntaxParser'
@_implementationOnly import _InternalSwiftSyntaxParser
/private/var/folders/7f/w7hl1f994014fkr2frhszk8m0000gn/T/mint/github.com_krzysztofzablocki_Sourcery/SourceryStencil/Sources/TypedNode.swift:33:42: warning: 'flatMap' is deprecated: Please use compactMap(_:) for the case where closure returns an optional value
        let bindings: [Binding] = chunks.flatMap { binding in
/private/var/folders/7f/w7hl1f994014fkr2frhszk8m0000gn/T/mint/github.com_krzysztofzablocki_Sourcery/SourceryStencil/Sources/TypedNode.swift:33:42: note: use 'compactMap(_:)' instead
        let bindings: [Binding] = chunks.flatMap { binding in
Konskii commented 1 year ago

If you get a same error, just install sorcery using hombrew install sourcery, than specify sourcery command in your MockFile:

sourceryCommand: sourcery
sourceryTemplate: null
EduardJelenski commented 1 year ago

I would add, that lots of people face this issue when moving to M1 chips (M1 Pro to be certain, not sure about common M1's)

Xcode 14.3, MacOS 13.0.1 (22A400)