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Programming languages reviewers on repo #158

Open ming-tsai opened 3 years ago

ming-tsai commented 3 years ago

We are looking an open source reviewer for this repo, if you have passion on it, please let me know if you want help us and write on below.

Rule for be a reviewer for this repo

  1. You are passion on coding
  2. You have knowledge or experience on some programming language, example: C#, Javascript...
  3. You have contributed on this repo, so that you could understand the review process.

You will not be paid, so you should have passion working on it.

Questions & Answer

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

It's great having you contribute to this project

Thank you for raising an Issue, Welcome to DSA

We will review everything and get back to you, Please checkout our CONTRIBUTING RULES and CODE OF CONDUCT, Thanks :smiley:

UG-SEP commented 3 years ago

We need a file that contains programming languages reviewers, now I only know @TawfikYasser and @Arsenic-ATG.

I wanted to be reviewer of c,c++ programming language Right now I am learning c++ and it's coming to end Please let me to do Thanks

sridhar-5 commented 3 years ago

Hi @ming-tsai, I can review python and java. Working on these two languages intensively these days. You can check my Data Structure Repo So please make me a reviewer.

Thanks in Advance.

ming-tsai commented 3 years ago

I will created the reviewer markdown file

atinba commented 3 years ago

I would also like to help with this. I can review go, python and cpp.

sridhar-5 commented 3 years ago

I will created the reviewer markdown file

Also can you please tell me how to be a member of this organization please? and if you can make me a member please.

Thanks in Advance.

ming-tsai commented 3 years ago

I will created the reviewer markdown file

Also can you please tell me how to be a member of this organization please? and if you can make me a member please.

Thanks in Advance.

You could just contribute to our project, then you will be invited

sridhar-5 commented 3 years ago

Sure. Thanks.

ming-tsai commented 3 years ago

Hi @sridhar-5, The invitation link

sridhar-5 commented 3 years ago

Thanks man. :) Exciting.

cyberwizard1001 commented 3 years ago

@ming-tsai Hi! I'm a computer science student currently working on data structures and algorithms, and I can review code in C++, python as well as Java.

Here are some repositories with code for all three languages that I have worked on in the past:

And this is my data structures repo:

I'd love to be a member and contribute to the repository :)

ming-tsai commented 3 years ago

Hi guys, Here is the list

ming-tsai commented 3 years ago

Hi @cyberwizard1001, Please accepted your invitation

sridhar-5 commented 3 years ago

Congrats, and Welcome aboard @cyberwizard1001.

ayo-ajayi commented 1 year ago

You can make me reviewer for Go

dalbarracin commented 1 year ago

I might be reviewer for c# code if you need it. Planning also to make a contribution sooner

ming-tsai commented 1 year ago

I might be reviewer for c# code if you need it. Planning also to make a contribution sooner

Yes!!!, I have invited you as reviewer

HimanshuMahto commented 1 year ago

Hey there, I some knowledge about Java and C++ and I would like to be a reviewer for them. Please Let me do it. Thankyou

ming-tsai commented 1 year ago

Hey there, I some knowledge about Java and C++ and I would like to be a reviewer for them. Please Let me do it. Thankyou

Hi @HimanshuMahto, I will invited you but before you being reviewer, could you please open an contribution to this repo? So, you could understand the workflow of this repo.


1711naveen commented 6 months ago

Hi... I have good knowledge about C++ and JavaScript . I have passion for coding. I would like to review the code.....

Zeel-design commented 6 months ago

hi , I would love to review for C++ and JavaScript.