MakeICT / event-creator

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Automate the process of finding checkin volunteers #14

Open Rowbotronics opened 5 years ago

Rowbotronics commented 5 years ago

We could automate the process of getting volunteers for check-in. Here's what I think would work:

Add a 'check-in required' option
    if it is not checked
        no change to current behavior
    If it is checked
        create a check-in event on the event-team calendar
            event should be called 'Check-in for [EVENT NAME]'
            event should start 15 minutes before and end 15 minutes after start time of the class
            color of event should be red (can this be controlled from the tool?)
            description should include text 'NO VOLUNTEER'
        send an e-mail to the event-team list to notify a volunteer is need for a check-in
            e-mail should contain
                 the date and time of the check-in event
                a link to the check-in event
                instructions for claiming the check-in
                    add yourself to the guest list
                    change event color to green
                    delete the 'NO VOLUNTEER' text
                    reply to the e-mail thread indicating that you have claimed the check-in

I think adding this to the event creation tool should be fairly straightforward, as it really only encompasses actions that the tool already performs. If check-in claiming could also be automated to require only a click of a link or something that would be even better, but It seems like that would require a separate tool.