MakeSchool-Tutorials / Makestagram-Swift-V3

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4. Connecting to Firebase #62

Closed byzantinist closed 7 years ago

byzantinist commented 7 years ago


You will have already installed and adding the Firebase SDK in step 3.

should be

You will have already installed and added the Firebase SDK in step 3.

We've setup our Xcode project to communicate with our Firebase project.

should be

We've set up our Xcode project to communicate with our Firebase project.

This will allow us to make use of all of Firebase's features and functionality in the following steps!

should be

This will allow us to make use of all of Firebase's features and functionalities in the following steps!

Next, we'll need to either right-click in our project navigator or click on the plus button in the button left corner of the project navigator and select the option Add Files to "Makestagram":

should be

Next, we'll need to either right-click in our project navigator or click on the plus button in the bottom left corner of the project navigator and select the option Add Files to "Makestagram":

If your interested in learning more, click here.

should be If you're interested in learning more, click here.

ocwang commented 7 years ago

Fixed. Thanks for catching all of these.