MakeSchool-Tutorials / Makestagram-Swift-V3

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6. Implementing Login Flow #66

Closed byzantinist closed 7 years ago

byzantinist commented 7 years ago


Before building a feature, it's always helpful to an idea of how the feature will work and what it will look like.

should be

Before building a feature, it's always helpful to have an idea of how the feature will work and what it will look like.

Separating the main flows of your app into specific, well-defined storyboards allows you keep your storyboards small and organized.

should be

Separating the main flows of your app into specific, well-defined storyboards allows you to keep your storyboards small and organized.

Not only would it be tough to find view controllers that you're looking for, the file would be extremely slow to open because of it's size.

should be

Not only would it be tough to find view controllers that you're looking for, the file would be extremely slow to open because of its size.

ocwang commented 7 years ago

Thank you!