MakeSchool-Tutorials / Makestagram-Swift-V3

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7. Adding Authentication #68

Closed byzantinist closed 7 years ago

byzantinist commented 7 years ago

Poor grammar:

FirebaseAuth is an SDK for easier authenticating users through Firebase. FirebaseAuth will abstract handling and storing sensitive information that usually comes with implementing authentication.

Not exactly sure what the best fix would be.

When authViewController is presented, Firebase presents it's own UI to handle signing up or logging in the user.

should be

When authViewController is presented, Firebase presents its own UI to handle signing up or logging in the user.

Keep in mind that Firebase's authViewController can also be customized to include different types of login. i.e. Facebook, Google, Github

should be

Keep in mind that Firebase's authViewController can also be customized to include different types of login. (i.e. Facebook, Google, Github)

Now, whenever there's an error while we're in development, the app will crash with an formatted error message of what went wrong.

should be

Now, whenever there's an error while we're in development, the app will crash with a formatted error message of what went wrong.

For example, if we were to create our own User.swift class, Xcode have a namespace conflict and confuse our project-defined Makestagram.User and the FirebaseAuth.User class.

should be

For example, if we were to create our own User.swift class, Xcode will have a namespace conflict and confuse our project-defined Makestagram.User and the FirebaseAuth.User class.

This becomes confusing for us as we're coding well.

The "well" seems awkward and confusing.

FirebaseAuth doesn't help us much outside of providing a easy way to authenticate users.

should be

FirebaseAuth doesn't help us much outside of providing an easy way to authenticate users.

Instead we'll have to make use the Firebase realtime database!

should be

Instead we'll have to make use of the Firebase realtime database!