Makerfabs / ESP32-S3-Parallel-TFT-with-Touch-4.3inch

ESP32-S3 Parallel TFT with Touch 4.3inch
29 stars 10 forks source link

hardware version 2.0 #2

Closed charnwooduk closed 1 year ago

charnwooduk commented 1 year ago

I received my board, but the silkscreen states it is version 2.0.

I appear to get the following error when using gfx library with the following settings : -

(using gfx version 1.3.1)



define GFX_BL 2

define TFT_BL GFX_BL

Arduino_ESP32RGBPanel bus = new Arduino_ESP32RGBPanel( GFX_NOT_DEFINED / CS /, GFX_NOT_DEFINED / SCK /, GFX_NOT_DEFINED / SDA /, 40 / DE /, 41 / VSYNC /, 39 / HSYNC /, 42 / PCLK /, 45 / R0 /, 48 / R1 /, 47 / R2 /, 21 / R3 /, 14 / R4 /, 5 / G0 /, 6 / G1 /, 7 / G2 /, 15 / G3 /, 16 / G4 /, 4 / G5 /, 8 / B0 /, 3 / B1 /, 46 / B2 /, 9 / B3 /, 1 / B4 */ );

// Uncomment for ST7262 IPS LCD 800x480 Arduino_RPi_DPI_RGBPanel gfx = new Arduino_RPi_DPI_RGBPanel( bus, 800 / width /, 0 / hsync_polarity /, 8 / hsync_front_porch /, 4 / hsync_pulse_width /, 8 / hsync_back_porch /, 480 / height /, 0 / vsync_polarity /, 8 / vsync_front_porch /, 4 / vsync_pulse_width /, 8 / vsync_back_porch /, 1 / pclk_active_neg /, 16000000 / prefer_speed /, true / auto_flush */); `

Error: - E (10) lcd_panel.rgb: esp_lcd_new_rgb_panel(151): no mem for frame buffer ESP_ERROR_CHECK failed: esp_err_t 0x101 (ESP_ERR_NO_MEM) at 0x4037abb0 file: "C:\Users\Documents\Arduino\libraries\GFX_Library_for_Arduino\src\databus\Arduino_ESP32RGBPanel.cpp" line 252 func: uint16_t* Arduino_ESP32RGBPanel::getFrameBuffer(uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, int32_t) expression: esp_lcd_new_rgb_panel(_panel_config, &_panel_handle) abort() was called at PC 0x4037abb3 on core 1 Backtrace: 0x40377862:0x3fcebc00 0x4037abbd:0x3fcebc20 0x40380ed5:0x3fcebc40 0x4037abb3:0x3fcebcc0 0x4200299b:0x3fcebce0 0x42002a9b:0x3fcebd40 0x42001928:0x3fcebd80 0x420046ca:0x3fcebda0 ELF file SHA256: 97d90b6539d5a233 Rebooting...

charnwooduk commented 1 year ago

my mistake, fixed by following the instructions and setting OPI PSRAM .