Makerfabs / Makerfabs-ESP32-UWB-DW3000

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Ranging using 9 channels #4

Open MitsuyoshiHori opened 1 year ago

MitsuyoshiHori commented 1 year ago

As We mentioned in my e-mail, when We changed the settings from 5ch to 9ch in the following sample, "CONFIG FAILED" due to "PLL LOCKING ERROR" occurred and it did not work properly.

[sample] Dw3000\examples\ex_06a_ss_twr_initiator\ex_06a_ss_twr_initiator.ino Dw3000\examples\ex_06b_ss_twr_responder\ex_06b_ss_twr_responder.ino

[Modified part] static dwt_config_t config = { 5 , --(Changes) --> 9 ,

[operation log]

Jun 8 2016 00:22:57

rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x17 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00 mode:DIO, clock div:1 load:0x3fff0030,len:1344 load:0x40078000,len:13864 load:0x40080400,len:3608 entry 0x400805f0 setup() run 9ch... SS TWR INIT v1.0 DEVICE ID: deca0302 XTRIM OTP READ FAIL PLL LOCKING ERROR CONFIG FAILED

However, as a result of putting the following serial output in the dw3000_device_api.cpp file, it works even with 9 channels, strangely enough. We will share this information in the hope of further improvement.

// RF
if (chan == 9)
    UART_puts("RF ch9 \r\n");   // Add for debug
    // Setup TX analog for ch9
    dwt_write32bitoffsetreg(TX_CTRL_HI_ID, 0, RF_TXCTRL_CH9);
    dwt_write16bitoffsetreg(PLL_CFG_ID, 0, RF_PLL_CFG_CH9);
    // Setup RX analog for ch9
    dwt_write32bitoffsetreg(RX_CTRL_HI_ID, 0, RF_RXCTRL_CH9);
    UART_puts("RF ch5 \r\n");   // Add for debug
    // Setup TX analog for ch5
    dwt_write32bitoffsetreg(TX_CTRL_HI_ID, 0, RF_TXCTRL_CH5);

    dwt_write16bitoffsetreg(PLL_CFG_ID, 0, RF_PLL_CFG_CH5);


dwt_write8bitoffsetreg(LDO_RLOAD_ID, 1, LDO_RLOAD_VAL_B1);  
dwt_write8bitoffsetreg(TX_CTRL_LO_ID, 2, RF_TXCTRL_LO_B2);

dwt_write8bitoffsetreg(PLL_CAL_ID, 0, RF_PLL_CFG_LD);        // Extend the lock delay

//Verify PLL lock bit is cleared
dwt_write32bitoffsetreg(SYS_STATUS_ID, 0, SYS_STATUS_CP_LOCK_BIT_MASK);

// auto cal the PLL and change to IDLE_PLL state

for (flag=1,cnt=0;cnt<MAX_RETRIES_FOR_PLL;cnt++)
   UART_puts("cnt:");         // Add for debug
   Serial.print(cnt, DEC);    // Add for debug
   UART_puts("\r\n");         // Add for debug
   //deca_usleep(DELAY_20uUSec);  /// comment-out
    if ((dwt_read8bitoffsetreg(SYS_STATUS_ID, 0) & SYS_STATUS_CP_LOCK_BIT_MASK))
    {//PLL is locked
  UART_puts("PLL is locked..");