Makerfabs / Makerfabs-ESP32-UWB

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Missing schematic for "UWB Pro with Display v1.1" #17

Open StohanzlMart opened 2 months ago

StohanzlMart commented 2 months ago

Please add (or explain the difference between) hardware schematic for "UWB Pro with Display" v1.1 and v1.2 or 1.0.

Thank you!

PS: Maybe upload pdfs of all version schematics.

StohanzlMart commented 1 month ago

@Makerfabs please?

Our "UWB Pro with Display" v1.1 have the DW 3000 and our "UWB Pro with Display" v1.3 have a DW 1000.

You provide schematics for neither, yet you write it it is suitable for product development.

@Makerfabs what are you smoking?