Seems that this package isn't being developed any longer, but if anyone digs around this might come in handy. When doing the 'npm install' a couple of the packages were warned as depricated and there was some 'repository' issue that one of the other issues already mentioned.
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
TypeError: Cannot read property 'substring' of undefined
at F:\TreehouseVideos\treehouseDownloader\download.js:40:58
at Array.forEach (native)
at F:\TreehouseVideos\treehouseDownloader\download.js:35:20
at Parser.<anonymous> (F:\TreehouseVideos\treehouseDownloader\node_modules\xml2js\lib\xml2js.js:489:18)
at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
at Parser.emit (events.js:191:7)
at SAXParser.onclosetag (F:\TreehouseVideos\treehouseDownloader\node_modules\xml2js\lib\xml2js.js:447:26)
at emit (F:\TreehouseVideos\treehouseDownloader\node_modules\sax\lib\sax.js:640:35)
at emitNode (F:\TreehouseVideos\treehouseDownloader\node_modules\sax\lib\sax.js:645:5)
at closeTag (F:\TreehouseVideos\treehouseDownloader\node_modules\sax\lib\sax.js:905:7)
I'm guessing the information this app used is no longer valid in the newer iterations of Treehouse's setup.
Seems that this package isn't being developed any longer, but if anyone digs around this might come in handy. When doing the 'npm install' a couple of the packages were warned as depricated and there was some 'repository' issue that one of the other issues already mentioned.
I'm guessing the information this app used is no longer valid in the newer iterations of Treehouse's setup.