MakieOrg / Makie.jl

Interactive data visualizations and plotting in Julia
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Clarify docstring for `image` #2450

Open fatteneder opened 1 year ago

fatteneder commented 1 year ago

Current doc string:

julia> ?image
  image(x, y, image)

  Plots an image on range x, y (defaults to dimensions).

Just spent 10 min to figure out that x, y must be <:AbstractRange. I think this could be formulated more clearly, maybe just annotate the signature? E.g. image(x::AbstractRange, y::AbstractRange, image). Same would apply to heatmap. Although, other plot functions aren't that specific either ...

Alternatively we could just add another MWE to the docs page.

jkrumbiegel commented 1 year ago

I don't like the range thing at all because I think the code still doesn't check if the number of elements matches the number of pixels, and instead just uses the endpoints like an interval. This invites bugs, maybe we should refactor to interval notation .. ?

fatteneder commented 1 year ago

... maybe we should refactor to interval notation

You mean instead of image(1:400, 1:200, img) to write image(1..400, 1..200, image)? I would love that. But is that used anywhere else already? Perhaps we should then also add conversions for [1,400], [1,200] etc.

ffreyer commented 1 year ago

Both of those work in GLMakie. image doesn't care about values other than min/max at all it seems. For heatmaps [low, high] works alongside an array of explicit values

jkrumbiegel commented 1 year ago

image doesn't care about values other than min/max at all it seems Which is why I think it should be deprecated

jkrumbiegel commented 1 year ago

maybe rather (1, 400) than [1,400] because it's nice that you can dispatch-force two-element tuples but not arrays?

fatteneder commented 1 year ago

maybe rather (1, 400)


Perhaps also using more precise variable names in the doc string could already help a lot. Consider

julia> ?image
  image(xrange, yrange, img)

  Plots an image `img` on range `xrange, yrange` (defaults to dimensions of `img`).


dgleich commented 1 year ago

Just a quick note here, Makie currently uses 0..m, 0..n. (i.e. 0..400, 0..200). This makes each pixel a 1x1 square unit of space in the region up to 400.

ffreyer commented 1 month ago

The docstring has changed to Not sure if that's clear enough to guess input types correctly...