I try to make an RGB plot of multiple Arrays and I get the error below for a MappedArray{Float32} but not for Float64.
The plotting of the Float32 Array works also in CairoMakie but fails in GLMakie.
I can put together an MWE next week with small example data.
This is the code I ran before getting that:
fig = Figure(fontsize=36)
axrgb = Axis(fig[1,1]; yticklabelrotation=Float32(π/2), title="RGB of S1 $(pol) data during low, median and high water", aspect=DataAspect())
rgbmap = image!(axrgb, lon, lat, rgbdata,interpolate=false)#, colorrange=meanlim)
axtstats = Axis(fig[1,2]; yticklabelrotation=Float32(π/2), title="RGB of S1 $(pol) temporal mean, 5th and 95th percentile", aspect=DataAspect())
statsma = image!(axtstats, lon, lat, rgbstats,interpolate=false)#, colorrange=meanlim)
I try to make an RGB plot of multiple Arrays and I get the error below for a MappedArray{Float32} but not for Float64. The plotting of the Float32 Array works also in CairoMakie but fails in GLMakie. I can put together an MWE next week with small example data.
This is the code I ran before getting that: