MakieOrg / Makie.jl

Interactive data visualizations and plotting in Julia
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Reference frame like in CAD software ? #2624

Closed BambOoxX closed 1 year ago

BambOoxX commented 1 year ago

It is common in 3D CAD software to have a reference frame displayed in the picture

e.g. this in CATIA image Solidworks image

It's fairly obvious that one can reproduce that in GLMakie with arrows, however, it can't figure how to have the arrow origin remain fixed in pixel space. Is there a way to achieve this. I'm guessing something quite equivalent to the :pixe of text would be nice. The arrow should however rotate according to the :data space and the camera angles

ffreyer commented 1 year ago

I think the way to go about this is to create a separate Scene for the indicator and update its view matrix based on the parent plot.

With an LScene (using some 3d camera) this involves reading out eyeposition, lookat and upvector, moving lookat to 0 and adjusting eyeposition to a comfortable zoom level:

# Your plot
fig = Figure()
lscene = LScene(fig[1,1])
p = scatter!(rand(Point3f, 10))

scene = Scene(
    fig.scene, px_area = Rect2f(20, 20, 100, 100), 
    # backgroundcolor = RGBAf(1,1,0), clear = true # to see scene region
    Point3f[(0,0,0), (1,0,0), (0,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,0), (0,0,1)],
    color = [:red, :red, :green, :green, :blue, :blue],
    linewidth = 10

cam = cameracontrols(lscene.scene)[] = Makie.perspectiveprojection(45f0, 1f0, 0.01f0, 100f0)
onany(cam.lookat, cam.eyeposition, cam.upvector) do lookat, eyepos, up 
    viewdir = 4f0 * normalize(eyepos - lookat)[] = Makie.lookat(viewdir, Vec3f(0), up)

With an Axis3 you need to read out the relevant angles and calculate eyeposition from that:

fig = Figure()
ax = Axis3(fig[1,1])
p = scatter!(ax, rand(Point3f, 10))

scene = Scene(
    fig.scene, px_area = Rect2f(20, 20, 100, 100), 
    backgroundcolor = RGBAf(1,1,0), clear = true # to see scene region
    Point3f[(0,0,0), (1,0,0), (0,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,0), (0,0,1)],
    color = [:red, :red, :green, :green, :blue, :blue],
    linewidth = 10
)[] = Makie.perspectiveprojection(45f0, 1f0, 0.01f0, 100f0)
onany(ax.elevation, ax.azimuth) do theta, phi
    viewdir = 4f0 * Vec3f(cos(theta) * cos(phi), cos(theta) * sin(phi), sin(theta))[] = Makie.lookat(viewdir, Vec3f(0), Vec3f(0,0,1))
BambOoxX commented 1 year ago

Thanks @ffreyer ! I will test that ASAP. Quick question, give that you must add a scene with this solution, it's not possible to make a recipe out of it, right? Or is it?

ffreyer commented 1 year ago

It's possible but more cumbersome. Within an LScene you can grab parent_scene(plot).camera_controls and you should be able to pass projection and view as plot attributes within the recipe. Though I'm not sure if this works across all backends and I consider it more of a hack. Alternatively you can apply the matrix transforms manually and use space = :clip. Dealing with an Axis3 from a recipe is harder. I don't think there is a clean way to trace back to it so if you wanted to be general you'd need to extract a rotation matrix from parent_scene(plot).camera.view.

Why not just write a function?

BambOoxX commented 1 year ago

I guess I just thought using a recipe would make it more versatile. Also, I'd like to remain as close as possible to MakieCore but I guess its not possible to avoid Makie on this.

BambOoxX commented 1 year ago

So, I've been able to get this through a bit of fiddling (basically replacing scene by scene.scene) since I'm using an LScene for the sub-scene (woahhh a lot of scenes in this sentence). image

Now it's not directly related, but how is the 3D text rotation handled, I couldn't find an example on that... I tried to see how an LScene is initialized but I did not understand how the axis labels were handled.

ffreyer commented 1 year ago

I think you can specify a Vector of Vec3f as a rotation (per string/position). If not a Vector of (Makie) Quaternionf's should work (Makie.qrotation(axis, angle) for example)

ffreyer commented 1 year ago

I put something interactive together. You can click on the mesh to switch to different views.

Screenshot from 2023-01-26 01-17-10

using GLMakie
using GeometryBasics, Statistics, LinearAlgebra

function gen_mesh()
    o = 1 / (1 + sqrt(2))
    ps = Point3f[
        (-o, -o, -1), (-o, o, -1), (o, o, -1), (o, -o, -1),
        (-1, o, -o), (-o, 1, -o), (o, 1, -o), (1, o, -o), 
            (1, -o, -o), (o, -1, -o), (-o, -1, -o), (-1, -o, -o),
        (-1, o, o), (-o, 1, o), (o, 1, o), (1, o, o), 
            (1, -o, o), (o, -1, o), (-o, -1, o), (-1, -o, o),
        (-o, -o, 1), (-o, o, 1), (o, o, 1), (o, -o, 1),
    QF = QuadFace
    TF = TriangleFace
    faces = [
        # bottom quad
        QF(1, 2, 3, 4), 

        # bottom triangles
        TF(2, 5, 6), TF(3, 7, 8), TF(4, 9, 10), TF(1, 11, 12),

        # bottom diag quads
        QF(3, 2, 6, 7), QF(4, 3, 8, 9), QF(1, 4, 10, 11), QF(2, 1, 12, 5), 

        # quad ring
        QF(13, 14, 6, 5), QF(14, 15, 7, 6), QF(15, 16, 8, 7), QF(16, 17, 9, 8),
        QF(17, 18, 10, 9), QF(18, 19, 11, 10), QF(19, 20, 12, 11), QF(20, 13, 5, 12),

        # top diag quads
        QF(22, 23, 15, 14), QF(21, 22, 13, 20), QF(24, 21, 19, 18), QF(23, 24, 17, 16), 

        # top triangles
        TF(21, 20, 19), TF(24, 18, 17), TF(23, 16, 15), TF(22, 14, 13),

        # top
        QF(21, 24, 23, 22)

    remapped_ps = Point3f[]
    remapped_fs = AbstractFace[]
    remapped_cs = RGBf[]
    remapped_index = Int[]
    for (idx, f) in enumerate(faces)
        i = length(remapped_ps)
        append!(remapped_ps, ps[f])
        push!(remapped_fs, length(f) == 3 ? TF(i+1, i+2, i+3) : QF(i+1, i+2, i+3, i+4))
        c = RGBf(abs.(mean(ps[f]))...)
        append!(remapped_cs, (c for _ in f))
        append!(remapped_index, [idx for _ in f])

    _faces = decompose(GLTriangleFace, remapped_fs)
    return GeometryBasics.Mesh(
            normals = normals(remapped_ps, _faces), 
            color = remapped_cs,
            index = remapped_index

function connect_camera!(ax::Axis3, scene::Scene)[] = Makie.perspectiveprojection(45f0, 1f0, 0.01f0, 100f0)
    onany(ax.elevation, ax.azimuth) do theta, phi
        viewdir = 3f0 * Vec3f(cos(theta) * cos(phi), cos(theta) * sin(phi), sin(theta))
        scene.lights[1].position[] = viewdir[] = Makie.lookat(viewdir, Vec3f(0), Vec3f(0,0,1))

function connect_camera!(lscene::LScene, scene::Scene)
    cam = cameracontrols(lscene.scene)[] = Makie.perspectiveprojection(45f0, 1f0, 0.01f0, 100f0)
    onany(cam.lookat, cam.eyeposition, cam.upvector) do lookat, eyepos, up 
        viewdir = 3f0 * normalize(eyepos - lookat)
        scene.lights[1].position[] = viewdir[] = Makie.lookat(viewdir, Vec3(0.0), up)

function update_camera!(ax::Axis3, phi, theta)
    ax.azimuth[] = phi
    ax.elevation[] = theta

function update_camera!(lscene::LScene, phi, theta)
    cam = cameracontrols(lscene.scene)
    dir = Vec3f(cos(theta) * cos(phi), cos(theta) * sin(phi), sin(theta))
    cam.eyeposition[] = cam.lookat[] + norm(cam.eyeposition[] - cam.lookat[]) * dir

function reference_frame(parent, bbox = Rect2f(20, 20, 100, 100))
    scene = Scene(
        Makie.rootparent(parent.blockscene), px_area = bbox, 
        backgroundcolor = RGBAf(1,1,1,1), clear = true

    m = gen_mesh()
    mp = mesh!(scene, m, transparency = false)
    tp = text!(scene,
        1.05 .* Point3f[(-1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, 1)],
        text = ["-X", "X", "-Y", "Y", "-Z", "Z"],
        align = (:center, :center),
        rotation = [
            Makie.qrotation(Vec3f(1, 0, 0), pi/2) * Makie.qrotation(Vec3f(0, 1, 0), -pi/2),
            Makie.qrotation(Vec3f(1, 0, 0), -pi/2) * Makie.qrotation(Vec3f(0, 1, 0), pi/2),
            Makie.qrotation(Vec3f(0, 1, 0), 0) * Makie.qrotation(Vec3f(1, 0, 0), -3pi/2),
            Makie.qrotation(Vec3f(1, 0, 0), pi/2),
            Makie.qrotation(Vec3f(1, 0, 0), pi),
            Makie.qrotation(Vec3f(1, 0, 0), 0),
        markerspace = :data, fontsize = 0.4, color = :white,
        strokewidth = 0.1, strokecolor = :black, transparency = false

    connect_camera!(parent, scene)

    on(events(scene).mousebutton, priority = 20) do event
        if event.button == Mouse.left && event.action ==
            p, idx = Makie.pick(scene)
            if p === tp.plots[1]
                phi, theta = [
                    (pi, 0), (pi, 0), (0, 0), (-pi/2, 0), (-pi/2, 0), 
                    (pi/2, 0), (0, -pi/2), (0, -pi/2), (0, pi/2)
                update_camera!(parent, phi, theta)
            elseif p === mp
                face_idx = m.index[idx]
                phi, theta = [
                    (-pi/2, -pi/2),
                    (3pi/4, -pi/4), (1pi/4, -pi/4), (7pi/4, -pi/4), (5pi/4, -pi/4),
                    (pi/2, -pi/4), (0, -pi/4), (-pi/2, -pi/4), (-pi, -pi/4),
                    (3pi/4, 0), (2pi/4, 0), (pi/4, 0), (0, 0), 
                    (7pi/4, 0), (6pi/4, 0), (5pi/4, 0), (pi, 0),
                    (pi/2, pi/4), (pi, pi/4), (3pi/2, pi/4), (0, pi/4),
                    (5pi/4, pi/4), (7pi/4, pi/4), (pi/4, pi/4), (3pi/4, pi/4),
                    (-pi/2, pi/2)
                update_camera!(parent, phi, theta)

    return scene 

This can be used with either Axis3 or LScene:

fig = Figure()
ax = Axis3(fig[1,1])
p = scatter!(ax, rand(Point3f, 10))
scene = reference_frame(ax);
fig = Figure()
lscene = LScene(fig[1,1])
p = scatter!(rand(Point3f, 10))
scene = reference_frame(lscene);
BambOoxX commented 1 year ago

This is awesome ! I think I'm gonna slightly alter the style but it's really nice ! Thanks for your help.

Quick note : There is a Vec3 instead of a Vec3f in the connect_camera! for LScene.

SimonDanisch commented 1 year ago

Ha nice! I implemented something like this for the predecessor of GLMakie, which was still called GLVisualize: I don't us it in the video, but it was working pretty similar to 3Ds max back then ;)

BambOoxX commented 1 year ago

You did a lot already (and even more so) but here are some questions about this solution

ffreyer commented 1 year ago

If you want to make the visualization larger or smaller you can change the 3f0 in connect_camera!. The o in the mesh generation comes from the constraint that each square should have the same side length. (If you consider an octagon in a -1 .. 1 square, o is the offeset from 0 that the corners have. I.e. (o, 1), (-1, -o), etc.)

For an LScene you can probably just set cam.upvector. Axis3 is keeping the up direction steady on its own.

BambOoxX commented 1 year ago

You mean modifying the interaction as

up0 = Vec3f(0,0,1) #0, 0, 1 for z direction up vector
onany(cam.lookat, cam.eyeposition, cam.upvector) do lookat, eyepos, up 
    viewdir = 3f0 * normalize(eyepos - lookat)
    scene.lights[1].position[] = viewdir[] = Makie.lookat(viewdir, Vec3(0.0), up0) #? So that the sun scene follows the z direction
    cam.upvector[] =up0#? So that the main scene follows the z direction

I have tried something close to that but got a stackoverflow ^^

ffreyer commented 1 year ago

I was thinking here

function update_camera!(lscene::LScene, phi, theta)
    cam = cameracontrols(lscene.scene)
    dir = Vec3f(cos(theta) * cos(phi), cos(theta) * sin(phi), sin(theta))
    cam.eyeposition[] = cam.lookat[] + norm(cam.eyeposition[] - cam.lookat[]) * dir

That would trigger only when you click on a face.

BambOoxX commented 1 year ago

Just for information, I wanted to put the "cube" in the top right corner so I used the px_area of the rootparent and added an event with the following signature

widths=Vec2(200, 200)
root = Makie.rootparent(parent.blockscene)
on(events(root).window_area, priority=20) do event
        scene.scene.px_area = Rect2i(event.widths - widths, widths)

so that when the window is resized, the cube remains at the same position in the top right corner.

Also while trying to lock the vertical axis I had to detect when theta would be close to the vertical otherwise when clicking on the +/- Z faces I'd get a blank screen.

function update_camera!(lscene::LScene, phi, theta)
    cam = cameracontrols(lscene.scene)
    dir = Vec3f(cos(theta) * cos(phi), cos(theta) * sin(phi), sin(theta))
    cam.eyeposition[] = cam.lookat[] + norm(cam.eyeposition[] - cam.lookat[]) * dir

    if theta≈ π / 2 || theta≈ -π / 2
        cam.upvector[] = Vec3f(1, 0, 0)
        cam.upvector[] = Vec3f(0, 0, 1)

There are still some glitches though, as I get some BoundsError sometimes while updating the camera. Not sure why yet...

BambOoxX commented 1 year ago

@ffreyer Thanks again for all the help ! I will close this now, but maybe this could be added to some documentation or beautiful Makie fort instance. What do you think ?