MakieOrg / Makie.jl

Interactive data visualizations and plotting in Julia
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Dynamically Changing the Limits in Plots #270

Closed wsrinin closed 3 years ago

wsrinin commented 5 years ago


I have trouble understanding the results of the following code in particular why does the function record does not do what it is supposed to do. My problem is I would like to dynamically view and video recorder part of the plot as a function of time. Here is a simple example

mytime  = Node(0.0)
main    = Scene(resolution = (500, 500))
layer   = Scene(main, IRect(50, 50, 400, 400))
f(x, t) = sin.(x)
x       = lift(t -> range(t, stop = t+10, length=50), mytime)
xlim    = lift(t -> FRect(t, 0, t+10, 10), mytime)
lines!(layer, x, lift(t -> f.(range(t, stop=10+t, length=50), t), mytime), limit = xlim )

record(main,  "test.gif", range(0, stop = 100, length = 100)) do i
    push!(mytime, i)

Now it seems that the code before the record do what I want it to do except that when I manually push push!(mytime, i) I have to run this line lines!(layer, x, lift(t -> f.(range(t, stop=10+t, length=50), t), mytime), limit = xlim ) in order to see the plot i.e. push!(mytime, i) does not automatically update the scene. The result of the recorde function is even worse.

What can I do to fix this issue?


wsrinin commented 5 years ago

I found the solution to this but I still would love to have a comment on what went wrong with the above

record(scene, "test.gif") do io
       for t = 1:11
           scene = lines(range(t, stop = t+10, length=50),  f.(range(t, stop=10+t, length=50), t))
           recordframe!(io) # record a new frame
SimonDanisch commented 5 years ago

You best don't insert any plots inside record... Updating the limits is what you're missing:

mytime  = Node(0.0)
main    = Scene(resolution = (500, 500))
layer   = Scene(main, IRect(50, 50, 400, 400))
f(x, t) = sin.(x)
x       = lift(t -> range(t, stop = t+10, length=50), mytime)
xlim    = lift(t -> FRect(t, 0, t+10, 10), mytime)
lines!(layer, x, lift(t -> f.(range(t, stop=10+t, length=50), t), mytime), limit = xlim )

record(main,  "test.gif", range(0, stop = 100, length = 100)) do i
    push!(mytime, i)