MakieOrg / Makie.jl

Interactive data visualizations and plotting in Julia
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Bug in Streamplot animation when initialized as 0. #3936

Open arturofburgos opened 3 months ago

arturofburgos commented 3 months ago

I was testing this case where I wanted to create an animation of a streamplot. I found a bug when the streamplot was initialized with 0. When zero_start is true the animation shows the bug where only the first frame is shown, when zero_star is false it does work normally.

using CairoMakie

zero_start = true

function v(x::Point2{T}, t) where T
    if t == 0 && zero_start
        Point2{T}(0, 0)
        Point2{T}(x[2] * t, 4 * x[1])

vt(t) = x -> v(x, t)

sf = Observable{Any}(vt(0.0))
title_str = Observable("t = 0.00")
sp = streamplot(sf, -2..2, -2..2;
    linewidth=2, colormap=:magma, axis=(;title=title_str))

record(sp, "output.mp4", LinRange(0, 20, 20); framerate=10) do t
    sf[] = vt(t)
    title_str[] = "t = $(round(t; sigdigits=2))"
asinghvi17 commented 3 months ago

To clarify, are the videos below similar to what you experienced? zero_start = true:

zero_start = false:

arturofburgos commented 3 months ago

Yes, exactly.

asinghvi17 commented 3 months ago

With GLMakie and zero_start = true, I get this:

so it looks like this issue is only happening in CairoMakie. The flipping of the axis would seem to indicate some form of rendering issue...

arturofburgos commented 3 months ago

Yeah I would guess that. This is my first issue open. How is the procedure for someone to fix this bug?

jkrumbiegel commented 3 months ago

I would guess the streamlines produce some pattern of NaNs that crashes the line drawing function in CairoMakie. It's relatively complex to be more efficient, but also more bug prone.