MakieOrg / Makie.jl

Interactive data visualizations and plotting in Julia
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Image does not scale properly in the window after rotating the image #397

Open logankilpatrick opened 4 years ago

logankilpatrick commented 4 years ago

Has there been any further dev on this? I remember @asinghvi17 saying it was sort of fixed in a branch somewhere but that it wasn’t done yet.

SimonDanisch commented 4 years ago

Can you please post a short code that reproduces the behavior?

logankilpatrick commented 4 years ago

I guess:

using Makie

image1 = image(AbstractPlotting.logo(), scale_plot = false)
rotate!(image1, 0.5pi)

 holder = vbox(
     image(rand(100, 500), scale_plot = false),


will show the issue. But it's better seen here where the energy plot on the bottom right is at it's full size since it hasnt been rotated, but the rest are all sized weirdly since they were rotated:


logankilpatrick commented 4 years ago

@SimonDanisch how can I get my makie plots on the left to be sized the same like they are on the Plot's pane on the right?

logankilpatrick commented 4 years ago

The essence of what I want: the plot/sub-scene to automatically take up all available space. You can see the difference in the two sizings above. I am looking for the uniform size that plots.jl gives. @asinghvi17

asinghvi17 commented 4 years ago

Ah, that would need better layouting support. Right now it's sort of patched together AFAIU...there is a layout constraint solver, we just have to integrate it with axes and all that.

SimonDanisch commented 4 years ago

@jkrumbiegel and I are trying to figure this out atm!