Hi, am using this plugin as calender(date picker always will be visible).
I just want to add class to some days like active class.
That class should not removed when move to another month and come back to present.
EXAMPLE:If i have add class(someclassname) to june moth date: 20, 21, 25, 28.
If move to July by click next arrow and come back to June by click previous arrow.. that class (someclassname) should not be removed.
Hi, am using this plugin as calender(date picker always will be visible). I just want to add class to some days like active class. That class should not removed when move to another month and come back to present.
EXAMPLE:If i have add class(someclassname) to june moth date: 20, 21, 25, 28. If move to July by click next arrow and come back to June by click previous arrow.. that class (someclassname) should not be removed.