<div id="viewport" style="overflow: scroll; width: 100px; height: 100px">
<!-- ... a lot of content here .. -->
<input type="text" class="span2" data-bind="datepicker: birthdayFormat, datepickerOptions: { dataType: 'format', format: 'D/M/YY' }">
<!-- ... a lot of content here .. -->
If you click on date field, datepicker will open in wrong place as it uses only input offset and ignores scroll position.
We can specify viewport element as a container and use it for calculating correct offset for datepicker.
(This is what I've added)
The problem
We have next html code (example):
If you click on date field, datepicker will open in wrong place as it uses only input offset and ignores scroll position.
We can specify viewport element as a container and use it for calculating correct offset for datepicker. (This is what I've added)