Makrennel / hyprland-void

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what happened to hyprland-nvidia? #23

Closed zmeyka3310 closed 6 months ago

zmeyka3310 commented 6 months ago

hybrind gpu setup, apps running on the nvidia gpu freeze from time to time, only fix being changing workspaces. may be related to vrr and direct scanout, tho im not sure

Makrennel commented 6 months ago

The hyprland-nvidia package is just a dummy package now; it has the normal hyprland package listed as a dependency instead. Unofficial nvidia patches were made redundant in v0.33.0

Make sure you read the manual, but keep in mind that Nvidia support in Hyprland is still only unofficial.

zmeyka3310 commented 6 months ago

for the people that find this thread later, the issue is steamtinkerlaunch