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Issue RSS-ECOMM-1_15: Create Prettier script 📜 #19

Open Tetiana-KET opened 7 months ago

Tetiana-KET commented 7 months ago

Description 🗂️ Create a script for running Prettier across the codebase, simplifying code formatting and ensuring uniform code style. 📝🔧

Acceptance Criteria 🎯 A script for running Prettier is created. 📄✅ The script simplifies code formatting and helps maintain a uniform code style across the project. 🔄👌

Tetiana-KET commented 7 months ago

"ci:format": "prettier ./src --check": This script checks if there are any formatting issues in the files within the ./src directory. It runs Prettier in check mode, which means it only reports the files that have formatting issues without making any changes to them. This script is useful for integration into continuous integration (CI) pipelines or pre-commit hooks to ensure that the codebase adheres to the defined code style.

"format": "prettier ./src --write": This script formats the files within the ./src directory using Prettier. It runs Prettier in write mode, which means it applies the formatting changes directly to the files. This script is helpful for manually formatting the codebase or as part of a development workflow to maintain consistent code style.