MaksymBilenko / docker-oracle-12c

:whale: Docker image with Oracle Database 12c on board
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Cannot connect as sysdba #112

Open simonbraeuer opened 6 years ago

simonbraeuer commented 6 years ago

Hi, when using oracle12c from docker repository, I can connect to system/oracle and sys/oracle as default user. But I cannot connect as sysdba.

connect SYS/oracle as SYSDBA;

Error starting at line : 3 in command - connect ... Error report - Connection Failed USER = SYS URL = jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xe Error Message = ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied Commit

As stated in the documentation, it should be possible to connect as sysdba with user sys.

MaksymBilenko commented 6 years ago

simonbraeuer commented 6 years ago

Ok, I am able to connect as sysdba when I'm on the machine, but remotely it is not possible. Reason seems to be the volume I have configured in docker-compose.yml

version: "2.3" services: oracle: container_name: oracle12c image: sath89/oracle-12c ports:

- "8080:8080"

    - "1521:1521"
  - ./shares/oracle/data:/u01/app/oracle

It seems that the password file is then owned by user root instead of oracle. That causes some troubles.

jpmmota commented 5 years ago

Hi Simon, were you able to fix the issue?

I'm experiencing the same behavior, not being able to connect from outside the database when defining a volume for the container.


adamlukaszewski commented 5 years ago


I also would like to connect as sysdba. What is the password of sys user? I am on the same machine.