Malabarba / aggressive-indent-mode

Emacs minor mode that keeps your code always indented. More reliable than electric-indent-mode.
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js2 list reformat left hanging ']' #126

Open stribb opened 5 years ago

stribb commented 5 years ago

Emacs: 26.1 on OS-X. aggressive-indent-mode at HEAD: 3803f24 master origin/master Merge pull request #125 from CeleritasCelery/revert

Suppose I have code,

class Fish {
    constructor() {
        var list = ['foo',

and I want to reformat the list to move the first item to a line of its own. I would expect this:

class Fish {
    constructor() {
        var list = [

Instead, I got:

class Fish {
    constructor() {
        var list = [
stribb commented 5 years ago

Correction: it's with vanilla js-mode. A pared down config, mini.el, that shows the same issues:

; invoke with emacs -q -l mini.el

;; This is necessary to tell `straight' where git is.
(add-to-list 'exec-path "/usr/local/bin" t)
(setenv "PATH" (mapconcat 'identity exec-path ":"))

(let ((bootstrap-file
       (expand-file-name "straight/repos/straight.el/bootstrap.el" user-emacs-directory)))
  (load bootstrap-file nil 'nomessage))

(setq-default straight-use-package-by-default t)
(straight-use-package 'use-package)

(use-package aggressive-indent
  :hook (prog-mode . aggressive-indent-mode))
Malabarba commented 5 years ago

Hey there. Thanks for the report. Aggressive-indent doesn't define how code is indented, that's the responsibility of the major-mode. For instance, if you disable aggressive-indent-mode, and then select the whole buffer and call M-x indent-region, do you still see that behavior?

stribb commented 5 years ago

No. Again using my mini config, with the same initial file. If I hit enter after the [ on line 3, select the whole buffer then indent-region, it becomes what I would have hoped for.

Yet more curiously, the following happened under aggressive-indent-mode when I extended the list to three elements:

class Fish {
    constructor() {
        var lst = [

When I selected all then ran indent-region, both 'baz' and ]; went back into the right place.

I have a more minimal test case for you actually:

Emacs config:

(load-file (concat user-emacs-directory "straight/build/aggressive-indent/aggressive-indent.el"))
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'aggressive-indent-mode)

Test case:

var lst = ['foo',