Malabarba / spinner.el

Emacs mode-line spinner for operations in progress
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missing public key #19

Open Rageoholic opened 4 years ago

Rageoholic commented 4 years ago

When I go to install a mode with this as a requirement I get an error that this package's public key is missing. Do you need to make a new point release to fix that

john2x commented 4 years ago

Running into this as well. Can't install company-lsp because it (or one of its dependencies) depend on spinner.el

a-hausmann commented 4 years ago

Indeed, spinner has disappeared from MELPA, and now paradox getting an error about missing spinner: "Eager macro-expansion failure: ... elpa/spinner-1.7.3/spinner.elc failed to provide feature ‘spinner’". Copying zipped package to elpa directory yields worse message, "Unable to activate package ‘paradox’. Required package ‘spinner-1.7.3’ is unavailable".

Malabarba commented 3 years ago

Hey all. Sorry for the radio silence here.

@Rageoholic and @john2x Unfortunately, this thread doesn't make a lot of sense to me as is. "Missing public key" is not something I've ever seen in the Elpa ecossystem. If you're still having this problem, please paste the full error logs.

Finally, the error from @a-hausmann seems unrelated. So please open a new issue if you sill have it. Although, honestly, it looks like some byte-compilation issue unrelated to the package and it might be that you just need to remove and reinstall some (maybe many) packages.

Also note that spinner.el was never on Melpa (and has no need to be). So it most certainly hasn't "disappeared from Melpa".