Completed get_available_roads, added get_affordable_roads.
Added show_cards_from_hand in order to be able to show to the player a part or all of the train cards in his hand.
Added get_usable_card_indices in order to get the list of the indices of the cards from the player hand that the player can use to pay and occupy the road.
Added discard_cards, added pay_road_cost which allow the player to choose which card from the usable ones, he wish to use in order to pay the price of occupying the road and also to pay the price.
Completed place_train_pawn .
Completed get_available_roads, added get_affordable_roads. Added show_cards_from_hand in order to be able to show to the player a part or all of the train cards in his hand. Added get_usable_card_indices in order to get the list of the indices of the cards from the player hand that the player can use to pay and occupy the road. Added discard_cards, added pay_road_cost which allow the player to choose which card from the usable ones, he wish to use in order to pay the price of occupying the road and also to pay the price. Completed place_train_pawn .