Malavika-Srinivasan / CAS741

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MIS - Minor issues - typos, formatting, consistency, etc #34

Closed bmaclach closed 5 years ago

bmaclach commented 5 years ago

Here are some minor issues I found with the MIS:

Malavika-Srinivasan commented 5 years ago

@bmaclach Hi Brooks,

Thanks for your detailed feedback. Please see my reply in bold below.

In the introduction section, there should be a space between "CFS" and "(C" - Done In the introduction section, the variable n is referred to as 'n' and then as n. This notation should be consistent (probably change 'n' to n) - Done Section 6,2 should have content, even if that content is just "Not applicable" - I forgot to add Seq Services module. Added a place holder now. There are extra horizontal lines at the bottom of the tables in Sections 6.3, 9.3, and 9.3.2 - Done In section 6.3.2, there should be a "-" in the "In" column - Done In section 6.3, verifyDegree has no output, but in section 6.3.2 it has output - Done In section 6.4.3, in the first assumption, the word "the" should not appear before "calling" - Done In section 6.4.3, I think the first assumption is not necessary as it is covered by the third assumption - I think both of them are necessary as it is possible that the user access the state variables by mistake. In section 6.4.4, for the access programs with exceptions, "exc" should be italicized to be consistent with "out" in the other access programs - Done In section 6.4.4, for loadInput's transition, there should not be a space between "y" and "." - Done In section 6.4.4, for loadInput's exception, the logical or symbol (\lor in LaTeX) should be used instead of "OR" - Done In section 6.4.4, for verifyDegree transition, it is enough to say "deg \in N" without "deg > 0" because all N are greater than 0 (same idea for the exception) - Yes, deg \in N is sufficient. Good catch. In section 6.4.4, 7.4.4, and 8.4.4, sometimes you have "exception: None" but sometimes you have "exception: NA". These should be made consistent. - Done In section 7.4.1, you say that "k is the number of sections". I think you should consider going into more detail there. What is a section? Is it the space between 2 data points? If so, isn't k just n - 1? This cannot be finalized without implementation. Now I have some part of implementation done and I can say that x will be of length n X m, where n is the number of data points and m is n-1 which is the number of sections. In section 7.4.4, for interpBSpline, transition, item 2, the type of x should appear after the ":" Done In section 7.4.4, for interpBSpline, transition, item 2, the formatting here is confusing. I'm not sure exactly what it should look like, but maybe "for k > 0." should be changed to "For k > 0,"? This looks like a loop, but then what is the upper bound on k? When does the loop end? Changes made, I missed adding that the loop ends at n, which is the number of data points. I like the comments in Section 8.4.4, and I think they should appear in the actual text of the MIS. In section 8.4.4 "degVerify" is sometimes italicized and sometimes not. This should be made consistent - Done In section 8.4.4, for evalReg output, I think ynew should be yNew Done In section 9, the word "the" is missing before "user program". Done In section 9.4.4, for plotDataFit, transition, item 2, the arguments to plot should all be italicized (for consistency) - Done In section 9.4.4, for plotDataFit, output, "Out" should be "out"(for consistency) - Done The appendix can be removed since it is empty - Done

Thank you Brooks. I appreciate your feedback. Please see my changes here - 54b62e1
