Malawi-DCCMS / weather-app

An app to show the weather.
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Find my location is giving error message behind Search as you type #153

Closed LinUXBele closed 6 days ago

LinUXBele commented 3 months ago


  1. Open Search page
  2. Tap the location icon inside the search field
  3. Observe that an error message is thrown and shown behind the search as you type.

EXPECTED BEHAVIOUR Show the error message in a box where it is visible, please note that the keyboard might be open

If needed we can close the search as you type dropdown until they write something in the search field. And if they hit the location icon, we can close the dropdown?


vegardb commented 3 months ago

As far as I can tell, we don't have any control over when the search-as-you-type dialog appears and disappears.

What would then be the best option?

LinUXBele commented 2 months ago

Tested OK. Will set this to done, even if there is a need to enhance the message and design on error messages. It is still not clear, but then a story, not this bug.