Malawi-DCCMS / weather-app

An app to show the weather.
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Give feedback level 2 #75

Closed LinUXBele closed 1 week ago

LinUXBele commented 6 months ago


Design enhancements

WHERE On Give feedback popup and feedback form page


CURSOR Please add cursor on top left as a default when no text is submitted

SELECTED MOOD Add colour to selected face after tapped Allow user to change his mind and choose another one. Only one can be chosen

UP UP Can we move the box up on the page? @SairanW

TAPPING SEND There needs to be a message or toast of sorts that gives the user at Thank you for the feed back, to make sure they understand that it was sent in. If on popup it should return the user to the previous page.

AMOUNT OF CHAR Is there a max of characters? Will we test for users adding scripts or hacking this somehow? @danielmwakanema

@SairanW Please have a think and suggest changes and design! :)