Maldicore / Admin

CakePHP Plugin for automagic admin using Twitter Bootstrap for CakePHP 2.x
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Changing the View elements #12

Open witu9217 opened 11 years ago

witu9217 commented 11 years ago


I am new to CakePHP so I don't know if this is the correct place to ask this question but i have tried your plugin and it works great. But I am having an issues while creating forms.

I have created DB tables as products and categories. and the categories works great. But now when i see the add products form i want it such that it has a dropdownlist(select) of all the categories inserted. Right now all i get is a input text.

I have the foreign key for the categories in the products table as well.

So how can i acheive that i.e override the view to generate the select box.


yusuf commented 11 years ago

Make sure your table relationships are correctly set in the Models for dropdowns to work. For more info check

witu9217 commented 11 years ago

Hi yusuf,

Thanx for the reply. But i did everything that is said in the documentation but its still not working.

Here is what i did.

class Product extends AppModel{ public $hasOne = array( 'Category' => array( 'className' => 'Category', 'foreignKey' =>'id', 'dependent' => true ) ); }

class Category extends AppModel{ //put your code here }

I created two models where by product has foreign key for the categories. But still it is populating as a textbox not a selectbox with categories filled into it.

Am i missing somethng?

Please Help !
