Malhavok / Spriter2Unity

Tool for converting SCML files into Unity prefab and anim
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Can not import SCML proyect with severals folders in sprite_data #4

Open rcolomina opened 10 years ago

rcolomina commented 10 years ago


I did an animation that contains its assets in several folders. When I try to import a SCML proyect with S2U, at the second step, after python slection, an error occur: Checking required resources... it keeps indefinitely with that message in the little messages window, and it never shows my assets list. In the third step this does not work either. For other hand, when I try to import an SCML that conteins a single folder, everything work right. So , do you know what is happening?. Is that problems telling you something?

Thank you for your job, is being giving us a great tool Regards

Malhavok commented 10 years ago

hi there

few things: 1) are all these directories with assets imported to Unity, so that all images are considered as sprites and all .meta files are visible? 2) what is the structure of your project, that is - where scml file is placed and how, related to scml, are other directories placed? 3) you say it's after selecting python, this means that unity assets weren't picked yet? 4) if you are, which directory are your pointing as the one to pick assets from?

a screenshot and/or copy of log would help, scml with assets (even replaced by one-pixel coloured images) representing problem would also be nice.

it's possible that something is wrong with either import system or the windows tool. if you give us a bit more information we may be able to find the problem and solve it

rcolomina commented 10 years ago

hi again!,

1) Yes, all assets are sprites, and every .meta file were generated by Unity. 2) My SCML contains references to several subfolders with just one level. FolderProject SCML File Folder1 Asset1 Asset2 Folder2 OtherAssets ....


3) Yes, unity assets were not picket yet. After python 2.7 was selected OK in the first step, in the second step, when SCMLFile is selected, the assest corresponding did not appear at the little log window of the application.

4) In my spriter project, I have severals folders with assets, corresponding to differents animations.

Anyway, please give an email where I can sent to you a zip or rar packet with everything, scml and assets in folders.


Malhavok commented 10 years ago

malhavok (at) wow (dot) com, zip please

it may also take a bit more time than usual, because i'm rewriting part of the project, but i'll look into it ASAP (maybe a simple fix can be done for that)

Malhavok commented 10 years ago

ok, what was wrong:

1) in b6.1 it's possible to omit pivot definition in folders section. default pivot is set to (0, 1) 2) in some of the animation i've found anomalous sprites, that have no files. Added warning for these, skipped their creation and sent question to Edgar from brashmonkey whether it's normal or not 3) files weren't saved as unicode so it wasn't possible to encode magical-language specific fonts. saved files are now opened via with encoding set to 'utf-8'. Unity seems to work fine with that (i don't know whether this adds BOM or not, but since Unity thinks it's fine - it's fine with me)

changes were pushed along with some new code (that ain't used yet). check whether everything works fine, please. if not - send me the project once again pointing problems (i've removed all files connected to your project just to keep your data safe)

if everything works fine send me a note, please, so i can close this bug-report


rcolomina commented 10 years ago

S2U is working right for me with a test project using differents pivot points to (0,1) ¿?. The unique file that could be save in UTF-8 is scml which is a text file, but it also works for me in ANSI ¿? for a test project. I have seen that for a small test project with assets in differents folders, S2U works right but I can not find what is wrong in my biggest one,, because they look alike to me. (examining the SCML with XML editor) My project still can not be imported with S2U. Is it working for you?

Malhavok commented 10 years ago

(currently in a big refactoring mode) as far as i remember i was able to export all animations properly, without any errors with just some minor warnings and animations were working O.o i'll check it as soon as i finish the refactoring (that will make ease-in, ease-out curves possible at last)

Malhavok commented 10 years ago

good news - i found one error that was breaking import to Unity (with breaking Unity as well) bad news - it seems that after changes to curves system some animation may be "abnormal" (but most of them seemed fine to me)

update S2U project please, regenerate unity files, check and tell me how it's going now, please. and sorry for the trouble - must've forgot to import it to unity after final export

rcolomina commented 10 years ago

Hello again!, I downloaded S2U last versión which I have tried to import my big spriter project. But, again, after python 2.7 was selected, in the second step, S2U give me some warnings which prevents me to continue to the third step. The warnings talk about assets could not be found, but they are there in my folders.

Malhavok commented 10 years ago

would you mind pasting message from the tool, please?