Malinskiy / danger-jacoco

danger plugin to check against jacoco xml reports
MIT License
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Nested classes #7

Open aafanasev opened 6 years ago

aafanasev commented 6 years ago


Since danger-jacoco searches classes in jacoco reports by a filename from git diff it cannot find nested classes, f.ex:


package sample;

class A {
    class B {}


Class:      | Coverage:
sample.A    | 100%
sample.A.B  | 0%

Git modified files:


Inner class B will be ignored


It's even worst for kotlin classes because kotlin allows to put all classes into single file / High-Level functions / package != location / @JvmName / @JvmMulticlass / etc


Need to rewrite function classes() ( to make it able to find all classes inside modified files

For Java it can be just a mask something like class ([\w]+), but for kotlin much more effort is needed

esafirm commented 5 years ago

Any solution for Kotlin?