Mallander / playlist-enhancer

Enhanced Playlist curation
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Please add mass editor to all sounds in a playlist #1

Closed apoapostolov closed 3 years ago

apoapostolov commented 3 years ago

The mass editor would allow to change their volume (slider with value field), their fade duration, their play mode, etc.

Mallander commented 3 years ago

Hey @apoapostolov , thanks for the feedback! Sounds like a cool idea, I'll look into it!

Mallander commented 3 years ago

@apoapostolov This is coming in the next release. At first it will allow you to edit track specific metrics such as:

Volume Fade Repeat

For all tracks in a playlist.

Playback method is set on a playlist level rather than track level and already edited via the core "Edit Playlist" so if you have any more thoughts on that one let me know!

Mallander commented 3 years ago

@apoapostolov From a user perspective, how would you like the "defaults" for bulk sound editing to work?

Currently, it will grab the settings from the first tracks in the playlist which works well especially in the case of a bulk song edit being done in the past. Would you expect this behaviour?

Also, regarding the application of the settings there may be cases where you only want to update a single feature of the tracks, as a user would you expect:

A: Checkbox options for each setting of if you want to apply it B: Only apply if setting has changed from the default loaded C: Other (Please elaborate)

Hopefully I can get it working how you'd prefer to use it, rather than a half-baked method!

apoapostolov commented 3 years ago

If the above functionality is too much involved, here's my main priority: being able to save a default preset (i.e. 30% volume, fade 12000ms, loop) and then when I open the Bulk Editor, apply to all songs in the list. The above functionality works around all other use cases, but this is my personal.

Mallander commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback!

The initial MVP will be as your minimum mentioned:

Bulk edit all sounds in a playlist to edit volume, fade and loop.

But I'll also look to include the saved defaults option in the MVP too depending on how much work that takes initially, if not in the first release it will be in the second.

I'll expand the UI as a future enhancement to allow for more user control over the bulk changes per sound.

Mallander commented 3 years ago

@apoapostolov The initial version of Bulk Sound editing has been released, allowing you to edit:

Volume Fade Repeat

For all tracks in a playlist. This also includes default settings that you can set yourself using the "Save defaults" button for the future.

This is accessed by right-clicking on a playlist and choosing "Bulk Edit Sounds".

Your feedback on the feature is most welcome! :)

apoapostolov commented 3 years ago

I checked it and it works excellent. Thank you so much!

Mallander commented 3 years ago

Great! I'll close this issue for now, but please raise more for any extra features you want added. I've noted your requests from this issue regarding final functionality.