MallocArray / obico-oraclecloud

Self Hosted Obico server on Oracle Cloud Free Tier
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no screenshot of webcam is send via pushover #12

Closed TylonHH closed 1 year ago

TylonHH commented 1 year ago

Since that only a few poeople use this setup, its hard to debug. I can see the webcam within the obico app. I also get notifications via pushover. But there I miss the screenshot of the webcam, and the name of the printer, since I have more then one printer.

How to debug?

sudo docker-compose logs -f

ERROR: Can't find a suitable configuration file in this directory or any parent. Are you in the right directory?
Supported filenames: docker-compose.yml, docker-compose.yaml
MallocArray commented 1 year ago

You'll need to start with cd /obico-server and that will get you in the correct directory. Then the command you specified should work.

For troubleshooting the actual issue of missing the screenshot, it would be best to use the Obico Discord or github page, as this repo is just for getting the obico server up and running. For any code related issue with Obico itself, those other places are best suited.