MallocArray / obico-oraclecloud

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change from static IP to DNS #5

Closed TylonHH closed 2 years ago

TylonHH commented 2 years ago


I installed everything step by step. But I uses my static temporary public IP adress. How can I change it to an DNY adress, after?


MallocArray commented 2 years ago

If you go into the Stack and Edit, you can change the Variables section again so you can add a Dynamic DNS entry, or once you have the public IP, you could manually change your DNS entry to point to the new IP

TylonHH commented 2 years ago

So I tried to use an DNS for the source_ip Here is the Log Error: failed to update security rules, error: Error returned by VirtualNetwork Service. Http Status Code: 400. Error Code: InvalidParameter. Opc request id: 2b14d359b66faxxxxxxxxxx/DDF89026FADCxxxxxxxxxx/D49415514DAxxxxxxxxx. Message: The requested CIDR is invalid: unable to parse.

MallocArray commented 2 years ago

Ah, you mean the source_ip variable. That is used with the Network Security Groups (firewall) to limit which IPs can talk to your Instance. As far as I know, this can only be an IP and not a DNS name. You can always update the Stack Variable and Apply again and it should only update the NSG and not need to destroy and re-create the entire Instance