MalloyDelacroix / DownloaderForReddit

The Downloader for Reddit is a GUI application with some advanced features to extract and download submitted content from reddit.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Extremely slow download speed and high runtime #353

Open Basic-Job opened 12 months ago

Basic-Job commented 12 months ago

I have the problem for a few days that the download of my user list is incredibly slow. Compared to before almost 5 times slower and very high runtime. I have completely deleted the application and made a new user list but no changes. Do others have the problem currently? It can't be my internet connection because everything is working fine.

Thanks in advance!

M4rtineski commented 12 months ago

I think that it may have something to do with reddit API changes but I'm just guessing :x

thany commented 12 months ago

Most likely a combination of Reddit bollocksing up their API, but also the application itself is quite resource-hogging. I've got a more extensive issue about that ongoing in #279.

QbiX90 commented 11 months ago

Reddit changed API i guess. Its slow for me too since 3 days. :(

MalloyDelacroix commented 11 months ago

Do you have your reddit account connected?

QbiX90 commented 11 months ago

Do you have your reddit account connected?


QbiX90 commented 11 months ago

Uranus = Until 3-4 Days ago. Was able to do 30+ subreddits in 2 hrs.

Sun = Since 3 days ago. Done 6 subreddits in 15 hrs.

Did not changed anything between. Reddit changed their API, for sure. New API says: Do something every 0 minutes but only do xy something for 30 seconds. Then sleep for 9:30 Minutes. GG.

snvoid commented 11 months ago

Would this post be of any help to the above issue? seems as if we would need the ability to add our own api key to get higher limits. Although since i don't know much about coding i might be completely wrong here.

MalloyDelacroix commented 11 months ago

This is because of reddit's new API changes. Since this issue was opened, I have registered the app with reddit's new API registration system. That seems to have improved performance some.

This has been difficult to diagnose. The errors and performance are sporadic. My best guess is that as the app as a whole gets close to the API call limit that reddit has imposed, they start throttling requests from the app.

@snvoid The solution in that post would require each app user to have to register a new app with reddit. They now also require the app to register to use their API. I think this solution would work short term, but reddit is no doubt aware that some developers are doing this. I don't think this would work for very long and I don't think it would be long before they blacklist apps that attempt this. I am looking into this solution though.