This resolves a bug where DFR crashes when you re-open a RedditObjectSettingsDialog on Python 3.7 with the following error message:
asctime: 01/17/2020 03:42:52 AM
levelname: CRITICAL
name: DownloaderForReddit.__main__
message: Unhandled exception
exc_info: AttributeError: __getattribute__
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "E:\Repos\DownloaderForReddit\repo\DownloaderForReddit\GUI\", line 246, in <lambda>
user_settings.triggered.connect(lambda: self.user_settings(0, False))
File "E:\Repos\DownloaderForReddit\repo\DownloaderForReddit\GUI\", line 342, in user_settings
File "E:\Repos\DownloaderForReddit\repo\DownloaderForReddit\GUI\", line 53, in __init__
File "E:\Repos\DownloaderForReddit\repo\DownloaderForReddit\GUI_Resources\", line 168, in setupUi
SystemError: <built-in function connectSlotsByName> returned a result with an error set
This resolves a bug where DFR crashes when you re-open a RedditObjectSettingsDialog on Python 3.7 with the following error message: