Malnati / autocommitmsg

This repository contains a Bash script designed to analyze the content of a Git commit and automatically suggest a semantic versioning message. It utilizes OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo engine to generate the commit message based on the changes staged for commit.
MIT License
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Package for macOS via Homebrew #19

Open Malnati opened 11 months ago

Malnati commented 11 months ago


Package the Auto-Commit-Msg utility for macOS users via Homebrew. Provide a comprehensive how-to guide that includes required tools, source files, and suggestions for content files.

Impact on Users:

Impact on Project:


Steps to Create Homebrew Formula (Tailored for macOS):

1. Fork Homebrew-Core Repository

Fork the Homebrew-core repository to your GitHub account.

2. Clone Your Fork Locally

git clone

3. Create a New Branch

cd homebrew-core
git checkout -b auto-commit-msg

4. Create Formula File

Navigate to the Formula directory in the cloned repository.

cd Formula

Create a new Ruby file named auto_commit_msg.rb.

touch auto_commit_msg.rb

Open the file for editing.

nano auto_commit_msg.rb  # or vim, emacs, etc.

Add the formula script with the necessary configurations.

5. Edit Formula File

Download During Installation: You can add a step in the def install block to download the auto-commit-msg script from its original repository. This way, you don't have to duplicate the script in two repositories.

To create a release v0.1-alpha on GitHub, follow these steps:

  1. Tag the Commit:
    Open your terminal and navigate to your local repository. Run the following commands to tag the latest commit.

    git tag v0.1-alpha
  2. Push the Tag:
    Push the tag to the remote repository.

    git push origin v0.1-alpha
  3. Draft a New Release on GitHub:

    • Go to your GitHub repository and click on the "Releases" tab.
    • Click on "Draft a new release."
    • In the "Tag version" field, select the tag v0.1-alpha you just pushed.
    • Fill in other details like release title and description.
    • Mark it as a pre-release since it's not stable yet.
    • Optionally, you can attach binaries or other files.
    • Click "Publish release."
  4. Generate SHA-256 Hash:
    Download the tarball of the release (tar.gz file) from the GitHub release page. Generate its SHA-256 hash using:

    shasum -a 256 <file_name>.tar.gz

    This hash will be used in your Homebrew formula.

After these steps, you'll have a GitHub release tagged as v0.1-alpha, and you'll have the SHA-256 hash needed for your Homebrew formula.

Here's a sample auto_commit_msg.rb formula that includes a download step:

class AutoCommitMsg < Formula
  desc "Your Intelligent Commit Message Assistant"
  homepage ""
  url ""
  sha256 "your_sha256_here"

  def install
    # Download the auto-commit-msg script from its original repository
    system "curl", "-O", ""

    # Make the script executable
    chmod 0755, "auto-commit-msg"

    # Move the script to the bin directory
    bin.install "auto-commit-msg"

  test do
    # TODO: Write tests when available

Regarding Tests:

Since we don't have tests yet, you can leave the test do block empty or add a simple test to check if the script runs without errors. Once you have proper tests, you can update this block.

For example, a basic test could be:

test do
  system "#{bin}/auto-commit-msg", "--version"

This will run auto-commit-msg --version and check if it exits without errors. It's a rudimentary test but better than nothing.

Remember to replace your-username and your_sha256_here with the appropriate values.

In the sample auto_commit_msg.rb formula, you'll see placeholders like your-username and your_sha256_here. You should replace these with the actual values relevant to your project.

  1. Replace your-username with Malnati: This is your GitHub username where the auto-commit-msg repository is hosted.

  2. Replace your_sha256_here: This is the SHA-256 hash of the tarball (tar.gz) file for the specific release you are packaging. You can usually get this hash by downloading the tarball and running shasum -a 256 <file_name>.tar.gz in the terminal.

shasum -a 256 auto-commit-msg-0.1-alpha.tar
7897429507f82ce62602bb58120880a8b125f27acf6c1ee841e9257ffe1efa4f  auto-commit-msg-0.1-alpha.tar

After replacing, the homepage and url fields in the formula would look something like:

homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "7897429507f82ce62602bb58120880a8b125f27acf6c1ee841e9257ffe1efa4f"

Replace <actual_sha256_hash_here> with the SHA-256 hash of your project's tarball.

6. Test Formula Locally

brew install --build-from-source Formula/auto_commit_msg.rb
brew test auto_commit_msg

7. Commit and Push

git add Formula/auto_commit_msg.rb
git commit -m "Add Auto-Commit-Msg formula"
git push origin auto-commit-msg

8. Create Pull Request

Open a pull request from your auto-commit-msg branch to Homebrew's master branch.

This issue should be assigned to a developer familiar with Homebrew packaging and Ruby scripting. It should also be labeled appropriately, perhaps as enhancement and macOS.