Malorolam / LootBags

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Cannot whitelist mobs with $STARTENTITYLIST #107

Closed ReikanFurrow closed 6 years ago

ReikanFurrow commented 6 years ago

I am having trouble whitelisting mobs, including those from mods and vanilla. My goal is to make it so that only witches drop a bag which contains alchemical items, but it would seem that every mob is dropping this bag as well. My Config is as follows:

$STARTBAG:lootbagWitch:1 $ISSECRET:false $BAGTEXTCOLOR:$WHITE $BAGTEXTUNOPENED:$AQUA:This Bag is Unopened $BAGTEXTOPENED:Has been opened $BAGTEXTSHIFT:$DROPCHANCES $WEIGHT:1000 $CRAFTEDFROM:$NULL $MOBSPAWNWEIGHT:1000 $USEGENERALLOOTSOURCES:false $MAXIMUMITEMS:5 $MINIMUMITEMS:1 $MAXIMUMGENERALLOOTWEIGHT:-1 $MINIMUMGENERALLOOTWEIGHT:-1 $PREVENTITEMREPEATS:none $STARTENTITYLIST $INTERNALNAME:Witch $ENDENTITYLIST $EXCLUDEENTITIES:false $STARTWHITELIST minecraft:soul_sand:0:1:4:5 minecraft:glowstone:0:1:4:5 minecraft:nether_wart:0:1:16:20 minecraft:dye:15:1:6:15 minecraft:sugar:0:1:16:20 minecraft:spider_eye:0:1:8:20 minecraft:fermented_spider_eye:0:1:8:10 minecraft:blaze_powder:0:1:8:10 minecraft:magma_cream:0:1:8:10 minecraft:brewing_stand:0:1:1:2 minecraft:cauldron:0:1:1:10 minecraft:speckled_melon:0:1:8:10 minecraft:fire_charge:0:1:8:10 minecraft:poisonous_potato:0:1:6:20 minecraft:golden_carrot:0:1:8:10 minecraft:quartz:0:1:8:10 minecraft:redstone:0:1:16:20 minecraft:slime_ball:0:1:8:10 minecraft:glowstone_dust:0:1:16:10 minecraft:potion:0:1:16:30 minecraft:book:0:1:16:10 minecraft:blaze_rod:0:1:4:10 minecraft:string:0:1:1:10 minecraft:torch:0:1:16:40 minecraft:golden_apple:0:1:1:10 minecraft:gold_ingot:0:1:8:30 minecraft:bucket:0:1:1:20 minecraft:experience_bottle:0:1:12:10 minecraft:potion:8193&8198#8200&8202#8204&8206#8225&8226#8228&8229#8232&8234#8236#8257&8260#8262#8264&8266#8268&8270:1:1:10 Natura:berry:0&3:4:32:40 TConstruct:heartCanister:1:1:3:10 confighealth:heartfragment:0:1:3:10 $ENDWHITELIST $STARTBLACKLIST lootbags:itemlootbag:0 $ENDBLACKLIST $ENDBAG:lootbagWitch

As well, my logs are outputting the following:

[00:20:47] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags !!CONFIG ERROR!! Unknown text found at line 81: skipping line. [00:20:47] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags !!CONFIG ERROR!! Unknown command found at line 82: exiting entity list subroutine. [00:20:47] [Client thread/ERROR] [FML]: [LOOTBAGS]: Lootbags !!CONFIG ERROR!! Text at line: 82 is not a command or in a list. Please only have commands, list components, or whitespace in the config.

Which is where my entitylist is located in my configuration, but as far as I can see its correct, though it's likely I am simply making a mistake. I have exhausted every avenue I could think of to fix this, and searched the closed issues to find answers, but nothing works. If it helps, I am running 1.7.10 as well as forge version Any help will be appreciated!

Malorolam commented 6 years ago

So first issue is you didn't change $EXCLUDEENTITIES:false to true, how you have it is it'll exclude witches from dropping instead of only allowing witches. I'm not getting that config error, I'd check in notepad++ to see if there's some odd character in there that doesn't show elsewhere.

ReikanFurrow commented 6 years ago

Thank you for the prompt response! So I was misinterpreting the use of the $EXCLUDEENTITIES command this whole time... I figured it was definitely something I was doing wrong. I will check and see if when I reverse that if it will work. Also, I believe that the error in the logs is simply an issue with my current setup, as even with the default configuration files, it persists.

EDIT: Yup that fixed it! Thanks again for your quick response, your dedication as a developer is admirable. Have a nice day!