Malorolam / LootBags

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Bag storage crash server #175

Open kylegbakker opened 5 years ago

kylegbakker commented 5 years ago


I am building a modpack and recently I've had some issues with the bag opener. If you even attempt to access the bag opener the server crashes. I have stolen the loot bag config from stone block as I liked the drops from it and wanted to replicate them, so I don't really know how to trouble shoot this.

Forge version: forge-1.12.2-

Server crash log:


I thought it might have been due to the fact that there was an ae2 item in one of the loot bags but ae2 is not a mod present in my pack. So I added ae2 and this issue still persists and i'm not sure how to troubleshoot further.

Malorolam commented 5 years ago

It looks like that storage was set up with a different set of bags, then you applied the new config, removing bags from the storage, but the index is on a bag that doesn't exist anymore. If you try to replicate the issue with a new Bag Storage, it shouldn't happen.

kylegbakker commented 5 years ago


I used mcedit to remove the contents of the bag storage and reset it to zero and I could then access the interface in game. I grabbed one of each loot bag and put them in one by one to see when it broke and they all went in fine. Then upon cycling through all the bags, eventually it comes to a blank bag with a cross in it and the server crashed like before.

I will try and create a brand new bag storage block instead of use the old one and see if the same issue happens. Not sure how the bag config could have changed as it has been the same since the beginning. It's entirely possible this issue has been present since day one and we just never noticed it because we weren't using loot bags much at the time.

Cheers, Kyle.